11:11 | Teen Ink


May 7, 2015
By Anonymous

It was one of those nights. I stared up at my ceiling, my mind overflowing with thoughts. Thoughts about anything, really. Thoughts about the universe, the stars. Thoughts about my life, my past, my future. Thoughts about my friends, thoughts about her.

I’d stare with content at nothing in particular. It all usually looks the same in the complete darkness of my room. But inside my head, I take a seat in the back row of an empty cinema. The quiet clicking of the film sounds from somewhere behind me as it begins to project a movie onto the screen. Clips of my life play before my eyes in faint static with a faintly under-saturated coloring. I see everything I remember, or at least everything I want to remember. The time we first held hands, the time we looked into each other's eyes and saw something there that wasn’t there before. Something with the beauty of the entire universe and much more all contained in her celestial gaze.
The scene changes. I’m no longer in the silent movie theatre. I’m right there, holding her close in my arms. I’m staring into her eyes once more, for the last time. The moon shines down on her hair, illuminating the most beautiful face of the most beautiful girl ever known. Someone whose beauty was known to everyone besides herself. She breaks the gaze with a light laugh. Our lips touch. In that moment, right there, was a feeling so perfect the entire english language fails to describe it no matter how to string together the thousands of words.
We lay down on in the grassy field, looking up at the night sky. We could look on into space forever, if we wanted to. Each spec of light in the black sky had its own story to tell and we were all ears. Our fingers intertwined, our minds lost in time and space, but never leaving the moment. Our arms lift up towards the stars, as we try to reach out and grab one to place in our hearts as a keepsake to never forget this night.
I am alone again in my empty room now, my consciousness returned to my head. I sit up slowly and check the clock. 11:11pm. I used to make wishes at this time, but there isn’t any point anymore. The only wish I have won’t ever come true, no matter how much I want it to. The only wish I want to come true is for her to be here with me, but I know that will never happen. She’s gone now, her only goodbye being the touch of her hand. She’s in a better place now, I tell myself.
We used to look up at the stars, wondering how they came to be. Maybe for now on she’ll be looking down back at me, wondering if I still remember how she did.

The author's comments:

Just a little something I wrote one night...

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