Lost...and Found | Teen Ink

Lost...and Found

January 9, 2014
By Anonymous

I honked the horn of my car and she looked up from the book she was reading.

She was sitting on the terrace , her legs dangling off the wall.

I got out of the car as her eyes met mine and her heart-stopping smile graced her face. Her beautiful sea green eyes lit up , and I was lost in their depths.

God ,I'd missed her so much. Our 3 days apart had been purgatory , even though we'd texted and called and Skyped almost every minute.

She was so excited on seeing me again , that she jumped up and threw the book aside.

She didn't see it coming; neither did I , for that matter. She tripped.

It seemed like one second , she was standing there in all her beauty, and the second , she was hurtling down 3 stories.

I watched her fall to the ground with a mixture of mute horror , shock , numbness and sick fascination , paralyzed.

I broke out of my trance when I heard the sickening 'crunch' of bones hitting the ground.

"No!" I shouted , running to where she lay , unmoving .

"NO! NO! NO! Shea!" I pulled her into my lap carefully , taking care of any head injuries or dislocations.

"Shea , Shea look at me " I called desperately , my hands cradling her face. Already , a pool of blood had formed underneath her body.

Hands trembling , I pulled out my cell and dialed .

"911 ? I need an ambulance! At...At 11 , Lincoln street. There's been an accident! " i said , my voice shaking hard.

I shut the phone and threw it away as the dispatcher began saying some soothing first aid nonsense. I knew all that! I was a doctor , for the love of God!

"Shea , come on baby girl...I need you to look at me...open your eyes please..." I called frantically as I caressed her face.

Her eyes flickered open briefly and I would've laughed in relief if the situation hadn't been so serious.

"Shea , Look at me..." I said , patting her cheeks gently , and her eyes opened again , flitting to mine.

Her face was rapidly losing color as the pool of blood increased and her breathing slowed.

"You need to keep you eyes open , baby please.." I begged as her eyelids drooped.

Thankfully , the sirens sounded and the ambulance arrived.

"Sir , I need you to move out of the way" a professional voice said , but I wasn't paying attention

"Byers! Wait , I know that guy! Dr. -" another voice started

"Help! Help her!" I shouted at them ...My baby was dying and they were just standing there?

My yell must have brought them to their senses , as she was loaded quickly into an ambulance.

I held her hand and cooed nonsense to her the whole way to the hospital.

Actually , the hospital was where we first met. One day , 3 years ago , I was visiting my father ( who's a big-a** surgeon ) at his hospital ( Well , it's my hospital now , but no matter ) when I heard a commotion at the reception. My dad was on rounds along with me , so we went and investigated it.

A girl of about 20 or so was standing there , scowling , with a puppy in her arms , while another girl , about the same age , was arguing with the doctors. From what we could make out , the pup was a stray and had been injured badly in an accident. This had been the nearest hospital , so the girls had brought it here for some first-aid , which , apparently , the doctors had denied.

I wasn't listening to the argument as my dad intervened. I was busy staring at the first girl as she stroked the puppy softly , cradling and rocking it as though it were a baby.

It was love at first sight for me. Shea Reynolds charmed me in that first second with her raven black hair and sea green eyes and how she expressed so much without even saying a single word - Yes , I found out that she was mute.

For the next few days , I took to stalking her discreetly , or so I thought , until one day , she confronted me.

After a lot of stammering and staring , I finally blurted out that I wanted to date her.

I still remember the look on her and Payton (her friend from the hospital , who translated Shea's actions) 's face , and I remember begging and praying in my head that she would say yes. Instead , she did what every sensible girl in her place would do ; freaked out and ran away.

It was 3 weeks later that I saw her next at the hospital ,again, where she was supporting an old lady. She was startled to see me there , but the shock wore off once I helped her.

Shyly , we exchanged numbers , and after a while , ( and after I apologized) agreed to be friends.

We got to know each other , and I found that she was a final year student , studying interior designing and fashion technology. She was an animal lover and supported many other clubs and societies that worked for the welfare of the environment.

She was also an orphan , and lived in a three story building with her 2 best friends , Payton and Rose.

She said yes to our first date after 8 months of being 'friends' , we had our first kiss 4 months after that , or a year after we first met , I got her to move in with me 8 months later and I proposed to her 6 months ago , to which , thankfully , she nodded a yes.

I hadn't even realized that we'd reached the hospital until we reached the ER and the doctors started shouting orders to each other.

I looked down at my angel and saw that her breathing was labored and her pulse was beginning to weaken.

"Agnes! 100 cc!" a doctor shouted to a nurse - they were trying to shock her heart into working faster.

"Clear!" he said and shocked her. No response.

"150 cc !"

"Clear!" No response.

"Try 250 ! " I shouted

"No , that's too much-" the doctor interrupted , but I was running out of time.

"Do it Agnes !" I ordered , and , thankfully , she obeyed.


Still no response.

"No , No , No...this can't be happening..." I murmured as a silence prevailed...well . silence except for a blank monotone of the heart monitor.

"Shea! Shea , you can't do this to me..." I yelled , tears streaming down my face , blurring my vision.

But deep down inside my heart , I knew the truth that I wasn't willing to face. There was only one thing the blank from the monitor could mean , and my doctor part recognized it with defeat.

"I'm so sorry" the doctor sighed , giving me a sad smile as he pilled off his gloves.

"No..." I whispered as the damned thing called reality struck me.

My Shea was gone...lost...I would never get to see her beautiful smile again...I would never get to see her sea green eyes light up again...I would never get to enjoy her silent laughter again...I would never get to see how her button nose scrunched up cutely...I would never get to run my fingers through her silky dark hair and inhale it's sweet fragrance...I would never get to kiss her delectable lips and oh-so-soft skin...I would never be able to see her lovely blush every time I told her I loved her...

A tear rolled down my eye as my knees gave out beneath me.

"Shea..." I whispered , broken , my heart breaking like my voice.

"Shea , I love you so much..." I said as around me , the doctors and nurses started packing up.

The tears were flowing freely now.

I would never get to hold her close to me , protecting her from the world again...I would never get to fall in love with her again as she walked down the aisle , which was going to be only a week away...I would never -

Suddenly , the hand I was holding in mine shook violently and I looked up.

As suddenly as it happened , her body stopped shaking. She took a deep breath , her eyes flickering open , and in that fraction of a second , her eyes met mine ; brilliant , vibrant sea green to dark chocolate , and as they flickered close , the only sound in the room was the noise of the monitor beeping wildly , erratically , reporting the restarting of her heart...

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This article has 2 comments.

Pooju BRONZE said...
on Jan. 13 2014 at 1:54 am
Pooju BRONZE, Chennai, Other
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's Not About Who You Spend Friday Night With...
...It's About With Who You Want To Spend The Whole Of Saturday And Sunday Night..."

Thank you for reading , and i'll make sure to use that suggestion :) and i'm a sucker for happy endings too...Glad to know you liked it :D

Lanimal SILVER said...
on Jan. 13 2014 at 1:45 am
Lanimal SILVER, Thornton, Colorado
7 articles 0 photos 43 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves."
-Edmund Hillary

Fantastic job! I felt pretty scared for a second there - I like how you ended it! Happy endings make me, well, happy! My one and only suggestion is to add some more detail and eliminate the was's. For example, instead of saying, "...she looked up from the book she was reading," you could say, "Her head snapped up from the blood-red book she held in her hands." There could even be some foreshadowing there ("blood-red"). Anyways, that's just a suggestion - feel free to take that with a grain of salt if you want, because I truly did like this story! Keep it up! :)