The Never-Ending Love | Teen Ink

The Never-Ending Love

December 2, 2013
By mollyjb22 SILVER, Boulder, Colorado
mollyjb22 SILVER, Boulder, Colorado
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A harsh grey rolled over the sky. The wind howled loudly as if trying to release its anger upon me. Rain pounded down, soaking me through to the bone. Shadows danced off the trees, creating images that scared me. Eyes wide with fear, I glanced out of my hiding place between two grey boulders. The landscape was covered with a deep fog, preventing me from seeing any farther than the length of my arm. I strained my ears, in hopes of hearing leaves rustling, to warn me if anyone had followed me. But the wind also prevented me from hearing danger approach. Recoiling back into my hiding place, I sat, wondering if I would ever see her again.
The last thing I wanted to do was stay in my crevice and freeze during the night. But I had no other options at the moment. I huddled into the rocks, hoping to find a comfortable position. My legs were cramped from sitting in one position for so long. As it got deeper into the night, my eyelids grew heavier and heavier and soon I surrendered myself to dreams.
There she was. Her long, golden hair flowed down her back as if it were an endless waterfall. As she turned towards me, I was in awe of her deep grey eyes. They gleamed with gentleness, but I could see a hint of sadness. Her smile was unlike anything I had ever seen. Immediately I was drawn to her. My heartbeat quickened, and I knew I would do anything for this maiden. I walked towards her, and she held her hand out to me...
I have never felt happier in my entire life. I was with a beautiful woman whom I loved dearly. We never left each others sides. At time passed, more memories were created. I was filled with the feeling of bliss and love. Nothing could have prepared me for what was about to happen
“No! Please do not hurt him! He is not a traitor, you have the wrong man!”
Her anguished cries echoed through my head. Her tears rolled down her face as I was pulled through the streets. Tears transformed into rain as it flew past the bars of my prison. What seemed like months passed by as I waited to learn of my fate. In the beginning of my imprisonment, I fought back, pleading for someone to hear my side of the story. Soon I learned that no one was willing to listen. My cries passed by ears unheard.
“I can help you. I believe you are not a traitor. I will leave the door unlocked but you must be quick…”
Gratitude for this brave man poured through my soul. Who he was, I shall never know. Not once did I catch a glimpse of his face. As I ran to my freedom, my whole body longed to see her. I missed her smile, her smell, her touch. My heart was telling me to go see her, to go be with her finally. But my mind told me I would put her in danger if I allowed my heart to steer me to her. So I ran with nothing but the clothes on my back and the necklace she had given me.
Heart pounding, I ran as fast as I could. They had found my trail. There were at least 20 of them, all on horses, closing in fast. My eyes wild with fear, I looked for a place to hide. Energy drained from my legs and a terror filled my body. The horses’ hooves pounded the ground impeding my already deteriorating thinking. There! A pile of boulders appeared…
Gasping, I woke up. The sun had risen high in the sky, and a gentle breeze drifted by. I stood up slowly, feeling a soreness throughout my whole body. Branches on the trees beckoned me to come out of my hiding spot. As I cautiously removed myself from between the boulders, I knew what I had to do. Even if it killed me, I was going to fight back and redeem my name. I would do anything to clear my name if it meant I had one more chance to live my life with her. Holding my necklace tight in my fist, I walked towards my love, wondering if fate would be kind.

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