runaway love (revised) | Teen Ink

runaway love (revised)

November 12, 2013
By kiri-chan BRONZE, Joliet, Illinois
kiri-chan BRONZE, Joliet, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
its not how many times you fall that matters. its how many times you get back up.

I was alone, sitting high up in a tree, my long auburn hair blowing behind me. I ran away from it all again. I ran away from the pressure of my palace life. I am the princess they say. I must act like a princess they always scold me. I hate it. I want to leave.
I was too lost in thought to notice that Zander, my caretaker, had found me. How he does it every time surely escapes me. He started to climb the tree up to where I sat and I didn’t move. I didn’t want to move. Zander was more of a close friend to me than a caretaker.
He sat on a branch just below mine. He didn’t say anything. It was silent. A comfortable silence. I started to get lost in thought again but ended up thinking about how Xander could look so young yet act so old. I mean he was young. Only twenty. Two years older than me. He had black hair that almost looked blue in some lights. His brown eyes also seemed somewhat gold at times. I was torn out of my thoughts when he finally spoke.
“Kali, you can’t keep doing this. You must learn to handle the pressure or the throne will be taken from you.” Of course he was reprimanding me again. I wish he would just see my side of things.
“I don’t even want the throne. I am not capable of running a whole island. Beta would be much better off without me.”
“Then leave.” That surprised me. My mouth had to of hit the ground because Xander started suppressing a laugh. I tried to hide my surprise but epically failed. “I mean it. You have 9 brothers and a sister, one of them could always take over instead.”
“Would you come with me?” the truth was, I was in love with this man. He was gorgeous and understood me. He doesn’t quite know of my feelings, or he shouldn’t know. I didn’t want to be away from him.
“Sure.” Zander smiled up at me as he said this. How I love his smile.
“Let’s go then. We can leave now and stay the night at a cabin not far from here.” I pointed in the direction of the abandoned cabin my mother owned before she died. “In the morning we could get a boat and go somewhere.” I jumped down from the tree and started to think. Where the hell would we go?
The only way off this island is by boat or swimming and I definitely will not swim!
“Where to my fair lady? Please lead the way.” He said while bowing as if we were in the 1800s. It was amusing. I loved when he treated me like this.
Of course I obliged and we headed off to the previously mentioned cabin. I was starting to get nervous. I don’t understand why though. I never get nervous, yet my heart was pounding, my mouth was dry, and I think my hands were getting sweaty. Was it because I was with him? But I am always with Zander. Never anyone else.
It was getting dark as we finally reached the cabin. We had walked in complete silence the whole way. With the occasional whistling from Zander. It was strange though. He was never this quiet. I was a bit confused and almost hoped he was just nervous by that the fact that he was running away with the princess and that could look bad. I secretly hoped it was because he liked me but I pushed that thought away. It could never happen. I mean, I’m not ugly. I have nice auburn hair that reaches my lower back. I have emerald eyes. I’m pretty but not compared to some of the girls I have seen him flirt with when we go to the market.
We walked inside and started to get situated. “Are you hungry? I could go find something to eat.” Zander interrupted my thoughts.
“No. I’m fine. I think I will go to bed.” At that very moment I noticed there was only one bed.
“Okay. I’ll sleep on the couch.” I was not going to let that happen. The couch was small. He couldn’t fit, but I could.
“No. absolutely positively not. You take the bed. The couch is way too small for you.” I put a lot more emphasis on way than necessary but I think he got my point.
“Ok then. Good night.” And with that Zander agreed and we were off to bed.
In the morning we ate some fish I caught before Zander had awoken and we were on our way again. This time much less silent.
“So why did you agree so easily to come with me?” I asked Zander with genuine curiosity.
“The thought of you ruffing it on your own is hysterical enough that I had to see it for myself. Besides, what would you do without me?”
“Lots! I would climb trees, and swim in the rivers, and maybe even become nocturnal. I always wanted to do that but someone just has to wake me up every morning.” I really do like to sleep.
“If I didn’t wake you up, no one will. If you became nocturnal, no one could see your pretty face.” And that is when I started blushing. I walked faster so he couldn’t see but I think he did because he didn’t bother to try and catch up this time.
We didn’t walk like that for long. He walks much faster than I do. He was now in front of me and I tried to keep up but ultimately failed because when I looked up, he was gone from sight. I shouted for him and searched but to no avail. I was ultimately left alone. It was getting darker and I was getting scared. My anxiety started to set in and I started crying. I fell asleep like that.
When I awoke, I was by a campfire and Zander was back. I jumped up and hugged him. Then I punched him for scaring me so much and I punched him again because he was laughing.
“Town is just up ahead, then we can buy a boat and go where ever you want. “ When I heard him say this, I was so ecstatic; I forgot I was mad at him.
When the sun rose, so did we and we continue to town. When we got to the edge of town, Zander just kind of stopped dead in his tracks and I bumped right into him. I walked around to look him in the eye and he looked worried.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
Zander got a sad look in his eyes as he said, “when we leave here and get on the boat, there is something I need to tell you.”
I responded with nothing more than a nod of my head and he smiled. We continued going but in another awkward silence. I really hoped this wouldn’t become a thing.
When we reached the docks, an old man sold us his boat. We headed out to god knows where and I remembered what Zander said before we entered town.
“Um…. What was it you wanted to tell me?”
Zander hesitated for a while, like he was trying to find how to word what it was he wanted to say. Eventually he found his words and spoke. “Kali, I think you are beautiful and incredibly sweet. You’re a very talented girl and can do anything. You could have anything. Or any one. I guess what I’m trying to say is, I think I might love you.”
I was shocked. At first I thought he was joking but I had never seen him so serious before. I couldn’t believe what I heard but decided to respond since that was the normal thing to do.
“I think I might love you too.” After I said, I felt relieved. I couldn’t believe I said it though.
He just smiled and we didn’t speak anther word. It was silent once again but this was a pleasant, comfortable silence. I’m glad I ran away.

The author's comments:
it my original story but with a different, more child friendly, ending

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This article has 2 comments.

on Nov. 19 2013 at 10:47 pm
kiri-chan BRONZE, Joliet, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
its not how many times you fall that matters. its how many times you get back up.

i will try to write a part 2

Dalia... GOLD said...
on Nov. 19 2013 at 4:07 pm
Dalia... GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
10 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Now do not misunderstand me, danger is very real. But fear is a choice.” –Cypher Raige

THIS IS SOOOO GOOODDDDDD!!!! My god you are a really good writier, please don't stop writing! Keep up the good work! Oh, and please...make a part 2 to this for me will ya :) Thanks!!