A Secret No More | Teen Ink

A Secret No More

July 28, 2010
By NeverCaredForKool-Aid GOLD, Elkridge, Maryland
NeverCaredForKool-Aid GOLD, Elkridge, Maryland
13 articles 0 photos 531 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't believe in hell but I believe in my parent's couch-- Watsky

He drummed his fingernails against the corner of his undersized school desk. Three… two… one- exactly six and a half minutes until sixth period lets out- six and a half minutes until he delivered. It was a schedule he had followed since sophomore year, every other Wednesday just after sixth period, he delivered the note. Never anything that could give him away- he either typed it up and avoided the use of his hand writing, or cut his desired words from newspapers and magazines, ransom-note style.

The message was always the same- the words always different. On Valentines Day last year he had given a small bag of conversation hearts, a cheesy card, and a yellow rose. She liked yellow. Halloween two years ago it was a chocolate eyeball and a small card saying, “You are my treat- here’s one for you. No tricks.” He’d given red and green gummy bears just before Christmas, Irish truffles around St. Patrick’s Day. Today however, like most delivery days, a simple folded piece of loose leaf was all he intended- in now four minutes and sixteen seconds- to slip into her locker. He had decided to give a plain and simple note today, a wrinkled “You enchant me” was all that was uttered on the wide-ruled paper he clutched in his right hand.

One minute and forty-three seconds, also know as eternity, to go. One hundred and three seconds was officially his least favorite number… one hundred and two… One-oh-one…

He got a sort of kick out of it- he imagined so did she. He wondered how exactly it made her feel when she received his notes. Was it the one thing that gave her self-esteem? Or did she think of herself just as fondly as he thought of her? Almost every night, in the late evening hours, she was the sun, and his thoughts were the planets- endlessly revolving around her. He contemplated all possible routes out of the Friend Zone, always trying to navigate a sure-fire road to her heart. Constantly, he wondered if he was going too far. Were his little gifts and treats too bold? His notes too strongly worded? Most of all, were the newspaper and tabloid clippings creepy? Did she think she had a stalker? These things troubled him to no end. But he was one of her closest friends, if this were bothering her, she would tell him as a friend- right? He was one of her closest friends- right?
Who did she think dropped the notes, anyway- a jock, or a techie, perhaps, but certainly not him? He knew he was a secret, pondered or not, he wasn’t sure, but only he knew that this Clark Kent lay under Superman’s six-pack.

The seconds ticked away as his patience and level of attention to the lesson diminished. He became jittery as Mr. Jacobson announced that it was now time to pack up- only twenty-four seconds remained on the teasing clock. Finally- the second hand reached the twelve and the minute hand became perfectly aligned with the two. He held his breath and waited for the bell to set him free.

The thirty-two seconds Mr. Jacobson’s clock was off by were agony- but in a way made the final bell even sweeter sounding. He wove his way through the crowed hallway; the destination was soon in sight.

Ten feet to go… three… two ... one… touchdown. The paper seamlessly slipped into her locker, making the tiniest sound as it landed on her thick beginning-of-spring hoodie. Not a moment later, though, his regulatory schedule was upset. She was exactly twenty-one seconds early- giving her a chance to see a hand dropping the note into he locker- and to whom the hand belonged.

If it was possible, his heart stopped and a smile jumped onto her face simultaneously. His gaze met hers, and at this moment he was still her lab partner, he was still her childhood friend, and he was still her next-door-neighbor.
But in that moment, and everyone that followed- the one thing he finally wasn’t, was her secret admirer.

The author's comments:
I'm don't consider myself much of a romantic, this was totally random. But here it is anyway- all types of feedback are appreciated, ratings are loved too!

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This article has 47 comments.

on Nov. 11 2018 at 12:46 pm
Dani_Higareda PLATINUM, Hanahan, South Carolina
20 articles 0 photos 109 comments

Favorite Quote:
“People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.”
- Winnie the Pooh

Beautiful. VERY beautiful. You are a very talented writer!

on Oct. 4 2018 at 7:39 am
Hermione-Granger BRONZE, Bethel Park, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 198 comments
Oh my gosh, this was so sweet!

on Sep. 3 2018 at 5:05 pm
kiesann21 BRONZE, Issaquah, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 5 comments
This is so sweet, and not overdone like many other romances. I love your writing style, keep it up!

on Aug. 22 2014 at 9:40 am
GuardianoftheStars GOLD, Shongaloo, Louisiana
17 articles 0 photos 495 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Let's tell young people the best books are yet to be written; the best painting, the best government, the best of everything is yet to be done by them."
-John Erslcine

Wow!  You are a really talented writer.  I was enchanted the entire story.  I agree with RomanticPhilosopher about exploring your talent writing romances.  You are really good!!!!

on Apr. 11 2013 at 10:14 pm
RomanticPhilosopher SILVER, Hawley, Pennsylvania
7 articles 15 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The life given to us by nature is short, but the memory of a life well spent is eternal"

Outstanding. I loved it. The anticipation adds so much to the story, and they way the words wrap around his "torture" at waiting for the bell to ring. Please, you have an unknown affinity for romantics, let your mind roam, and explore the genre. I can't wait to read more of your writing! ~RomanticPhilosopher~

Tiara_Lovee said...
on Oct. 22 2012 at 8:36 am
Tiara_Lovee, Wilmington, North Carolina
0 articles 0 photos 6 comments
It makes you want to keep going on and on. Like you want to know what going to happen next. Will it be a bad or good.

pen_ups said...
on Oct. 22 2012 at 8:16 am
pen_ups, Wilmington, North Carolina
0 articles 0 photos 6 comments
I thought this story was well written and it makes you want to know what happened after she saw him put the note in her locker.   

on Apr. 2 2012 at 5:49 pm
Wow, I love this story so much:) So, so, SO much! Keep up the awesome work!

TaurusGal GOLD said...
on Mar. 26 2012 at 4:30 am
TaurusGal GOLD, Hong Kong, Other
13 articles 25 photos 107 comments
I love it... Really. =] cool cool work.

on Mar. 15 2012 at 12:12 am
Zaraclaylime DIAMOND, Chicago, Illinois
75 articles 2 photos 68 comments

Favorite Quote:
So I suppose my simple advice is: Love your life. I only say that because your life is what you have to give.
-Tom Hiddleston

it's so cute!

AshTree SILVER said...
on Nov. 13 2010 at 10:55 am
AshTree SILVER, Clarksville, Tennessee
7 articles 0 photos 196 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live your art" -made this one up myself. Simple, but true.

According to older posts you were only twelve when you wrote this so I think it would be amazing if you wrote another one similar to this but using better description and the things you've learned since then. You should really consider a sequel because it is a really sweet story.

on Nov. 5 2010 at 7:21 pm
red-head BRONZE, Belmont, New York
1 article 0 photos 25 comments
Wow reading the comments (you were 12 ) hmm guess I'll have to read your other stuff. Oh kay back to subject. I liked your story and I loved the way you could see the clock on the wall. Thank you! (keep writing I'm looking for you now!!) :)

Diana101 GOLD said...
on Oct. 6 2010 at 6:15 pm
Diana101 GOLD, Grove City, Ohio
13 articles 0 photos 107 comments

Favorite Quote:
"God's delays are not God's denials"

Completely amazing story!!! I'm really impressed that you wrote this when you were only 12!!! Now that's true talent!!! Incredible!!!



on Sep. 11 2010 at 7:02 pm
AEAluvsanimals SILVER, Yorba Linda, California
6 articles 0 photos 64 comments

Favorite Quote:
"All creatures bleed the same blood. He who spills the blood of any of god's creatures, he spills the blood of man." - Private Journals , Landerath
Dragon's Milk.
"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."- Dumbledore
Harry Potter 1

Its a great story, kind of like a God-Isn't-Life-Crazy-but-who Cares-Its-Great story. I don't know why I write stories with-s they're murder.


You don't have to tell me, though. I respect a writer's right to suspense

on Sep. 9 2010 at 10:04 pm
SwallowedByInsanity PLATINUM, Hillsdale, New Jersey
22 articles 0 photos 44 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love is a poison, but it is also the antidote."

wow. jst wow. this is by far one of the most incredible pieces I have read on teenink. I'm not even slightly kidding when I say that you should write a sequel, or even a next chapter if you wil. The second I finished reading, all I wanted to do was read more, and to my displeasure, there was no sequel listed in your other pieces. But I can say I'm definitly reading everything you've written thus far and hope you keep on writing!

on Sep. 6 2010 at 8:45 pm
iluvnacho PLATINUM, Somewhere, Colorado
28 articles 1 photo 67 comments

Favorite Quote:
\"Find the beauty in the ugly\"-Jason Mraz 5-19-10
\"Be kinder than nessicary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.\" Unknown 11-29-10

I agree with Ellawind! You were only twelve? Wow...that's, that's amazing! I love this! I want it so badly to get published! I don't get the magazine, but still, for your benifit. And I would appriciate if you check out some of my stuff. I loved encounter by the way, but this is just hands down adorable! If you can't, I understand, but please. thank you and keep writing! :D

on Sep. 5 2010 at 10:27 am
Ellawind PLATINUM, Seattle, Washington
40 articles 0 photos 77 comments

Favorite Quote:
What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.

Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.

Dream like you will live forever, live like you will die today.

Wow. Been reading the comments. YOU WERE TWELVE??? This is talent if you were only twelve. Sheesh. 

Anyways. It's sweet, it's simple, and that's what makes it great. The feelings of the narrator are very like a lot of people in the world, so it's understandable and relatable. Awesome!

on Sep. 5 2010 at 4:43 am
fireeyedgirl SILVER, Dulles, Virginia
7 articles 0 photos 23 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I think that most of us, anyway, read these stories that we know are not "true" because we're hungry for another kind of truth: the mythic truth about human nature in general, the particular truth about those life-communities that define our own identity, and the most specific truth of all: our own self-story. Fiction, because it is not about someone who lived in the real world, always has the possibility of being about oneself. "
— Orson Scott Card

This is so sweet! It was much easier to read then 'Encounter' This really shows how versatile you can be, going from fantasy to teen romance. I'm really enjoying your writing, well done!

on Sep. 3 2010 at 7:27 pm
Inherinerd GOLD, Ashland, Ohio
16 articles 9 photos 302 comments

Favorite Quote:
A word to the wise ain't nessecary it's the stupid ones that need the advise

First of all i meant latest not lastest in the previous comment and secondly, i know you've read one of my pieces already, but if you have the time i would greatly appreciate it if you could give me some constructive critisism on my poem "Can you remember the 12th of december?" if you cant read it i understand, thank you anyways

on Sep. 3 2010 at 7:22 pm
Inherinerd GOLD, Ashland, Ohio
16 articles 9 photos 302 comments

Favorite Quote:
A word to the wise ain't nessecary it's the stupid ones that need the advise

Wow, this is extremely different from your lastest piece. I think your writing has improved so much since then. This story however is extremely well written for a twelve year old. This is a very cute and fun idea and you portrayed the admirer beautifully. On the flip side, unlike your other story, i think this could have afforded to have some extra detail, like more description of the girl. Still, with all things said i really liked the piece and belive you are one of the most talented teen writers i have read