Franny | Teen Ink


May 23, 2018
By AngeBellucci BRONZE, Bethlehem , Pennsylvania
AngeBellucci BRONZE, Bethlehem , Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Strive to be the best you."

Franny McGlickey has been a smart girl ever since she was little. She lived in the beautiful town of Colts Neck New Jersey, lived in a gorgeous house, had everything she could ask for, but she was missing a piece of herself. She was involved, had good grades, and always tried her best to include everyone. The one big problem she had her whole life, was her mom. She felt as though she played the mother role instead of the one person who should have been. She would come home from school to her mom extraordinarily drunk on the couch.
Unfortunately, her father was always away for work so she relied purely on herself to take care of her mother. Franny’s dad was the only hope of living in their beautiful home. Thankfully her grandma moved in with them and a lot of stress was relieved from her. As she got to her senior year of high school she was coming to the conclusion of what career she would want to pursue. She was set on traveling while at the same time doing the math, after all that was her favorite subject. After a talk with her counselor, she was set on being a sales associate, traveling the world while selling products for a company she will hopefully fall in love with.
In the present, she is coming to the end of her college route. A big company that sells travel packages and timeshares is willing to hire her and she is more than happy to accept this big offer. She's got nothing to lose, there is a nice salary, she gets to travel around the world, she will meet new people, and eventually become her own person. There is just one problem, her mother has liver cancer, and Franny has been taking care of her. Franny holds so much anger within because, all that she has done over the years to try and help her moms alcohol addiction never paid off, she is now sick all because of self-destructing alcoholism. The details aren’t important as to how hard it has been taking care of her sick mom. Franny has dealt with it and the only thing she is thinking about now is how will her mother survive without her. How in the world could she let this opportunity slip by her? Only if her grandmother was still with them on this day, it’d be a huge help. She had passed away 2 years prior to a heart attack. Bless her soul, she helped Franny so much more than anyone could imagine. Nobody could imagine the mess Franny was when she found out. She questioned herself:
“How will I do this on my own?”
“Will I ever be able to chase my dream?” “Do I resent my mom for life?”
To this day, she still asks those questions but does what she has to do.
    It was April 23 and graduation was on May 2, which meant she needed to tell her mom she had a job opportunity waiting for her. On top of all the stress, she had to leave for the first meeting on May 3 if she was taking the job. That night she sat by her mom and had a talk with her:
“Mom, I need to talk to you about something really important to me.”
“What is it, honey?”
“I am going to be straight up with you. I have been taking care of you for years and it has been very difficult, but I know you need my help. We both know that my career is very important to me and all I want is to follow my dreams. I got offered a job as a sales associate, I would have to leave on May 3.
Her mother anxiously sunk into her seat and said:
“So you are just going to throw me in a home?”
“Are you serious? This has been my job since I was little, I am tired of being your mother. I am not going to sit here and be guilted into staying when I could be following my dreams.”
She did not know what to do and resorted to calling her dad. They spoke all night long and came to the conclusion that although he and his wife don't really get along, he would stay with her for a while.
    It was the day of her graduation, her father had come up a week before. Him and Franny's mom were actually getting along. After the ceremony, they all went home since Franny’s mom felt too weak to do anything. Franny and her mom spoke briefly by the front door:
“Franny, you do know I love you right?”
“Yes mom, I just thought you would be more supportive.”
“I am just sad to have you leave me. I know I have put you through hell and back, I am sorry for that. I am sorry for ruining your childhood.”
“I am sorry that such a sick thing took over you. I love you no matter what mom. If I ever travel to France I will try and get a flight for you to visit me.”
“France! We always wanted to visit together, maybe one day when I am better. I am so proud of you honey, and I love you no matter what.”
This all brought Franny to peace. She was now only worried that she would not be here if her mom would pass. She hoped her passing would never be the case.
    It had been 2 years since Franny has been a sales associate and she had been promoted to CEO of sales. She was doing so well with her career and personal life. She is dating her soon to be fiance. Unfortunately, her mother's health declined. Last week Franny finally got to visit France. She contacted her mother, but she was on her deathbed. Franny came home as soon as she heard. Her mother held on until Franny got back. Franny laid with her mother and put a necklace of the Eiffel tower on her mother's neck.

The author's comments:

A fun light hearted peice about a girl and her relationship with her mother.

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