The Struggle | Teen Ink

The Struggle

November 17, 2017
By Sloths BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
Sloths BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was an ordinary day in Elkcip, New Jersey. Except for one strange thing. Jeff Jefferson’s mom hadn’t returned from work and it was already 8 hours past her shift. Jeff Jefferson didn’t know what to do, his mom was always there for him. She worked 12 hours a day, took care of him, and did everything else you would expect a mom to do. Jeff’s dad, on the other hand, was a horrible person, he left Jeff and his mom when Jeff was only 2 days old. Jeff didn’t really have a chance to see his dad, but oh boy he had a ton of questions to ask. Jeff went to bed on an empty stomach hoping for the best.


Jeff woke up, got up, and checked to see if his mom was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, Jeff leaped downstairs, fingers crossed that it would be his mother. It was Kenny, Jeff’s neighbor and only friend, he looked distraught.

“What’s wrong?” Jeff asked petrified.

“I have some bad news. . . . ” Kenny gulped.

“Is it about my mom?!,” Jeff replied impatiently.

“Yes, it’s about your mother. . . . ” Kenny muttered.

“WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED?!” Jeff screamed anxiously.

“She’s no longer with us,” Kenny whimpered, “she was crushed to death by one of the machines in the factory she worked in.”

There were no more words from there, only sobs and sorrow. Jeff cried for hours.

    Jeff stayed the night at Kenny’s house. Kenny was pretty much the only person Jeff knew. Jeff struggled to sleep that night, he could only think about the tragedy that occurred yesterday. What could he do? He couldn’t live like this forever Jeff thought to himself.

    The next day came faster than expected. Jeff got up, brushed his teeth, and went to eat breakfast. When suddenly, Kenny’s mom approached Jeff.

    “You can’t stay here forever, dear,” Kenny’s mom told Jeff. “I’m sorry but we are barely making enough money to get by.”

“I understand . . .” Jeff replied, packing his bags.

    Jeff was officially homeless. Jeff was a person of color, so getting a job would be hard and he was now officially 18, this would mean he wouldn’t be able to classify as an orphan and get free housing, food, and other needs.

From that day on, you would see Jeff attempting to get a job or searching trash cans for food. Jeff eventually got sick of living on the streets, he needed to make a change. It was getting late and Jeff was getting tired, Jeff went to sleep on the cold, hard cement, brainstorming ideas. Finally, the perfect idea, Jeff went to sleep anxious for what was to happen tomorrow.

    Jeff was startled, waking up in the middle of the night. Gun noises came from nearly every direction, “BOOM” “BANG”. Jeff knew he had to get out of here. Jeff was running as if he was a cheetah. Suddenly, he heard more noises, “CLICK” “CLACK” All of Jeff’s adrenaline was pumping now, he needed to get out. Jeff stopped to catch his breath as his life flashed across his eyes.

The next morning, Jeff woke up in a tired and distressed state. What was going on? Suddenly, a person walked in.


“You’re awake.” A person in a deep voice exclaimed.

“ . . . Where am I?” Jeff replied.

“You’re in the hospital, you were shot twice in the back of your head during a robbery. You’re very lucky to be alive.” The person informed Jeff.

“Where are they?” Jeff asked anxiously.

“We don’t know, we have people looking into it though. Don’t worry.” The doctor told Jeff, “Although we do have some bad news for you though, you’re now paralyzed from your hip down.”

Jeff didn’t know what to say, he was in awe. What would he do? He couldn’t walk anymore, he would never get a job.

Three months passed, Jeff struggled, still homeless and crippled. Jeff finally got a job at a local coffee shop from a man who felt bad for him. Jeff was finally able to rent an apartment and sleep on a bed for the first time in what seemed to be centuries. Jeff eventually saved enough money to afford to go to college. Jeff applied for many schools, he was rejected many times, until finally he was accepted into Elkcip University.

Jeff majored in chemistry, physics, and biology. Many years passed, Jeff was still anxious to get his degree. Every day Jeff worked 12 hours at the coffee shop and the rest studying, sleep was a luxury for Jeff. Finally, it was the graduation. You could see the excitement in Jeff’s eyes as if he just won the lottery.

Jeff Jefferson finally had his degree, the possibilities were endless. Jeff finally quit his job at the coffee shop and applied to work at the Elkcip Medical Center. Jeff was finally accepted to work at the Elkcip Medical Center, now there was only one thing Jeff wanted to do and that was to put an end to paralysis.

Five years passed, Jeff finally put an end to paralysis. Although, it took Jeff a lot of time to get used to walking again. Jeff was free, he could do anything his heart desired. Jeff later retired from his role as chief doctor at the Elkcip Medical Center, a new journey would begin.

The author's comments:

A kid named Jeff Jefferson loses his mother at a young age, Jeff later lives with his friend Kenny, but later has to move out. What will happen next? Read the narrative to find out.

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