FLIPPED | Teen Ink


July 20, 2015
By clmitchum BRONZE, Quitman, Mississippi
clmitchum BRONZE, Quitman, Mississippi
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

That girl over there thought she found love. She thought she was going to be happy for all the years to come. Once he flashed his smile at her, she was hooked. She followed him around. He guided her through the clusters of people. After they were alone, he FLIPPED. He told her if she didn't do as he said he would shoot. He said she was his property now. She was forced to go out into the field of his occupation.  Clients lined up to bid on her body. She cried and begged to go. Was there anyway she could escape? Her hope was slowly drifting away. How could this happen to her? She wanted to save herself, but now these men take advantage of her whenever they want. They touch and grab her and she doesn't even know their name. Slowly her pride was being ripped away from her. The sad truth was she was being used in a trade she wanted no part of. The man who paid or her tonight is sound asleep. She counts his breaths and decides to run. Is it too risky? She doesn't care anymore. This has gone on for far too long. She slides away. She wants to scream for help, but would anyone come to the rescue? She was tricked into this world of being used but now as she gets out of the cheap hotel room, she can taste freedom.  She takes off down the street. Running faster and faster. She sees the convienant store, and she can barely breathe as she tries to explain what has been happening to her for the past months. It may have even been years. She lost count. The woman behind the counter holds her close as she calls the cops. Happiness overwhelmes both women as the cops come into the door. Now her life can be flipped again, but now happiness and freedom are on the other side.

The author's comments:

This piece is inspired by a tv show I watched of a victim who was tricked into slavery. Not everyone makes it out like this character. There are many groups trying to end human slavery, and with everyone helping it can be done. Enjoy

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