Girl or Horse | Teen Ink

Girl or Horse

December 10, 2014
By Ruby0529 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Ruby0529 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I don’t know what it was about horseback riding, but it just gave me a thrill. I would have never thought of putting anything before it but then I met her. She seemed to be the only thing that mattered that summer. She was just perfect in my eyes; maybe it was her long wavy brown hair, her sparkling eyes, or even just that graceful laugh of hers that could make a man melt. Her name was Stacey Henderson. It had always been me and my horse (Betsy), but now I wasn’t feeling the same way. Now all I wanted to do was see, hear, and think about her.

That summer I thought I could at least try and talk to her, but that would take guts, something I didn’t have. It was all different when it was time to eat; I didn’t want to, I didn’t feel like it. She was changing me like when young boys get sugar rushes. Even though I was 13 and she was 17 it didn’t make a difference to me, love was love.

One day I heard she was playing ball with her brother and cousins, so I told Momma that I was going to go watch them play, just cus’ I was convinced that this was the day that Stacey Henderson would be mine. Not thinking about how lonely Betsy felt after leaving her alone for so long, that she might get really depressed; and not really feel the vibe to give me a ride to the game, but I had to be there, so I decided to walk my darn self.

There she was in her tight pants sliding across bases. She didn’t care if she hurt her leg or even got a ‘little dirty. She loved the sport and she was willing to play it no matter what. As the game ended I was finally convinced to present myself to her, after lusting over her beauty since the first week of summer. I thought it was about darn time to let her know that my name was Billy Bob da’ III.

As I approached her I started to speak,” Hey there’ my name is Billy Bob da’ III, I think you play mighty fine out there.”
She turned and looked at me and gave me a little smile, then turned back away.

“Well I thought you might wanna go with me to the carnival, I think it will be a mighty fine idea. Since my aunt works there I get free tickets to it every season.” I said as I thought that she might give me a chance.
She seemed to have a smirk on her face when she started to speak,” Hey’ there my name is Stacey Henderson, and well that carnival sounds mighty interesting I think we shall’ go to it.” As the ball flew over her head she winked at me and said,” Run by my house around 5’oclock. Oh, and make sure you don’t forget those tickets of yours.

As 5’oclock approached, I started to get Betsy ready for the big night. This night meant everything to me so I had a very important talk with Betsy. I don’t know what got into Betsy, but whenever a stranger was around her, she would start acting up! Oh, how I hated when she did that so I told her,” Listen here Betsy, this is a very important night for me and you damn well better not mess this up for me.”

Once me and Betsy got to ol’ Stacey’s house we just waited out for her, because I ain’t got enough guts to go and knock on her door, I was still shy about the whole me and Stacey thing. I still couldn’t rap my head around the whole me and Stacey, and we were going to the carnival! That was way too much to handle, it was all happening way too fast. Maybe I should have just gone home; I was getting this sick feeling in my stomach that nothing about this night was going to go well.

So as ol’ Stacey walked out and saw Betsy there she became very uncomfortable so I sent Betsy off for a walk, just so we could talk. We were almost there when I heard Betsy crying! I became worried either I left Stacey all by herself, or see what was wrong with my lifetime friend Betsy. I thought I should have left her but dang it, I thought it was true love, I couldn’t have left her by herself what if she got hurt! I would never forgive myself.

Once we got to that darn carnival she went and hopped on her boyfriend! How could she have done that to me?  I couldn’t believe it why would she use me like that? I couldn’t help it anymore, I just ran away without seeing if she got in. I ran as fast as I could to see if Betsy was okay. There were tears in my eyes, I couldn’t see anything! I was super worried about where Betsy was there was no sign of her! That was it, “next time I see Stacey Henderson, I will give her a piece of my mind for my name isn’t Billy Bob da’ III.”

“Naaay, Naaay!” There she was, and she was doing fine I thank god for that. If anything had happened to my Betsy, I would have killed myself. All I wanted to do was have a nice long nap after a long and rough night. I had, had it with girls I didn’t wanna hear anything about love or girls ever again! I was through with it nothing would ever come between me and Betsy anymore.

As I grew older that story never go old, it was always in my head like if it had just happened yesterday. There was nothing that could make me forget that night; it was the first and only time I let something get in between me and Betsy. Also, that was the night I let imagination get the best of me, cus’ I knew there was no way that I had a chance with ol’ Stacey. Well I learned a very good lesson that day. Never let anyone get the best of you. Even if you think you know the person never be so sure. Lots of people have surprises in them that they don’t always show

Well any who that was the last time I ever saw her. Never again did I hear, see, or even think about Stacey Henderson; or did I want to! I was glad that it was only Betsy and I once again. Nothing would ever, but I mean EVER change that. Neither Betsy nor I would change what we had for the world.

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