The Sleepover | Teen Ink

The Sleepover

November 18, 2014
By Nathan Kluck BRONZE, Hartland,WI, Wisconsin
Nathan Kluck BRONZE, Hartland,WI, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Sleepover

     Hi my name is Adam I’m a kid that’s rich, but has trouble making friends with other kids in my grade.
     Adam walks over to other kids and asks if they would like to be his friend as nice as possible. Each week no one ever listens and they just walk away with smirks on their face. On Tuesday he tries again by walking straight into a crowd and asks other rich kids in the school but the rich kids walk away just walks away saying mean things.
     “Why does he even try,” they say “He has no chance at making friends.”
     But as luck would have it on Wednesday a new kid joined the school. Adam talks to the new kid with confidence and the new kid intentivly listens to him the whole time. When Adam is done the new kid tells Adam that his name is Tom. They talk a bit more.
     Tom says “Do you want to be my friend?” For a couple seconds its dead silent, finally Adam says.
“Yes thank you for asking me you're the only person who ever asked me .”
     On Friday Adam and Tom talk about a sleepover while at their locker after class for next week Saturday at 8:00 am. Both Adam and Tom say.
“Where should we hold the sleepover?”
     “Maybe we could stay at my great grandpa Vincent’s? He’s gets real happy when there’s company around since he has a lot of friends and family around the area,” says Tom.
     “No, he might yell at us for staying up all night and still up all tomorrow from having fun and goofing around” says Adam.
     “True,true maybe at my house, my parents wouldn’t mind as long as we are quiet when it’s really late like eleven to five.” says Tom in a questionable voice.
     “Yeah, let’s do that it would be the same at my house. Let's double check with our moms that way we know if its okay,” says Adam reasonably.
     Later after school Adam walked into his house and asked his mom if it’s okay to sleepover at Toms house next week Saturday. But as usual, his mom was asleep from work the night before having late shift.
     “Mom wake up, I have a question, please wake up.”
     “Fine what do you want” says Adams mom.
     “May I sleepover at my friend Tom's house.” Adam says in a very calm voice.
     “Fine as long as I don’t get any bad calls from his parent or gaurdian.” says Adams mom with question.
     “Deal” says Adam with a promising voice.
     Next week Adam went over to Tom's house and had their sleepover. They both talked about their parents and their jobs all night. Both of them didn’t sleep at all. Then in the morning they both were a bit crabby but happy they were friends.

The author's comments:

This was inspired by one of my friends who has lots of trouble in his life.

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