I Will Meet You There | Teen Ink

I Will Meet You There

February 3, 2014
By Miryamtorres BRONZE, Charlottetown, Other
Miryamtorres BRONZE, Charlottetown, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;It ain&rsquo;t whatcha write, it&rsquo;s the way atcha write it.&rdquo;<br /> &mdash;Jack Kerouac, WD

The lake brought me back to the time when I was young again. My half dead green eyes widened bigger than ever, as my mind opened itself for the very last time, like your last breath before you become lifeless. The village was dead, no sound was being made, other than the buzzing mosquito that was traveling around my head telling me to keep moving. Considering I was an 86 year old women and I was medically ill, I knew my life was almost over, there was no denying it. I never thought it would end like this, I thought I would have someone to die with. I was thinking, after everything, there wasn’t a man in the world who could replace my true love. After those quite difficult thoughts, I looked up, the colour of the sky was no longer blue it was red like the blood that has been spilt throughout my lifetime.
I will never forget my long life, it was not always filled with sunshine and colourful rainbows but, through the tough times, I had my wonderful family to hold me tight. Life was not always easy, it was difficult and scary but, all I really needed was my amazing family to help me through it all. As I looked down in the very calm lake, I seen my reflection perfectly, except I was a young beautiful girl. I had no wrinkles, no worries, full lips and my strait blonde hair flowed perfectly down my back with nothing to cover my faces flawless skin. The lake danced, like my teenage self in my room when no one was watching. At that exact moment, I seen my real ugly face, short hair and unattractive body in the reflection of the water. I could no longer see the beauty in me, I had a beautiful soul underneath that destroyed body but, my age took the beauty right out of me. No one has ever seen how beautiful I really was other than Jerry, because after him, I never let anyone else in.
I slowly touched the silky smooth water with my fingertips, brought some of the fresh water to my dry lips and I drank it, like I just found a river in the middle of the driest dessert. The water tasted sensational, water has never tasted so delectable. I went in for another great drink, I filled my hands with the most amazing water I had ever tasted. I brought my mouth closer to my hands, I took a great big sip and I stopped breathing. I fell into the clear blue lake, where I have always wanted to die as a young girl. I met the most amazing man there that day, Jerry, this was the greatest way to start my first day in paradise.

The author's comments:
This piece is very personal to me, I have a connection between this story and my real life. I honestly can say, I fell in love with my OWN story!

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