The Jungle | Teen Ink

The Jungle

December 6, 2013
By johnny salvas BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
johnny salvas BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Help!!!!!” I screamed as I sank deeper and deeper into the pit of sand.
“Let me get a stick or something,” Mr. Gerald said very calmly acting like I wasn’t sinking to my death.

“Just use your hand!!!” I screeched back.

“NO! I’m not going to touch your dirty body,” he said as he held out a broken tree branch.

I got out of the quick sand pit eventually, but just barely. The sand had gotten up to my mouth. I sat down on a nearby and got all the sand off my clothes and out on my boots. When I was done it was like I had my own personal beach.

“Come on lazy boy we have to keep on moving,” Mr. Gerald said.

We started walking again. About an hour later we returned to the quick sand pit that I had recently been trapped in. Mr. Gerald didn’t seem to notice so I didn’t say anything about the circle we had just walked in. about another hour later we returned to that same quick sand pit.

“We’re lost isn’t we, Sir,” I said to Mr. Gerald.

“Of course not! Martin Luther don’t you even say that! At least I can read and write!” Mr. Gerald screamed back at me very angrily. It was just 1958 and us Africans still weren’t appreciated and treated equally. Slavery was abolished long ago and we still didn’t have any respect.

I continued to struggle through the harsh jungles of Costa Rica as I carried all of the supplies for Mr. Gerald and his brother, Mr. Andrew. The 120-pound backpack contained the tents, the food, water, and all the other useless exploring gadgets they brought. It was very hard, but I was paid very well.

“Hurry up you slave,” Mr. Gerald said.

“I ain’t a slave, Sir,” I replied trying to stay calm.

“Whatever you say Martin Luther,” Mr. Gerald replied, “It’s starting to get dark. Martin set up camp for us. My brother and I are going to the river.

“Yes, Sir,” I said back, trying not to get too mad at the brothers. It wasn’t fair. Mr. Gerald and Mr. Andrew got to go swim and cool off in the river we started following. I had to set up while those two had all the fun. I had to set up the separate tents, one for me and one for the brothers. My tent had to be at least 100-yards away from theirs and also not visible from theirs. I decided when they returned I would stand up for myself. When they finally returned I was ready.

“Why do I have to sleep in a separate tent, far away from you two!?” I asked.

“Because my brother and I are better and you and we can read and write,” Mr. Gerald said.

“You always say that! Just because I’m not a spoiled white boy like you two, doesn’t mean you’re better than me!” I yelled, “at least I’m not the genius who got us lost in the middle of the jungle!” I regretted saying that immediately. I knew they would punish me for it, but that didn’t matter. It felt good knowing that I might have made a slight difference.

Later that night when it was time for dinner, is when my punishment took effect. I made a fire and started cooking our dinner. My punishment was instead of the normal dinner of chicken or fish, I only got the rice. Since I was in the mood of standing up for myself, I decided to do it again.

“I’m not going to take this anymore!” I yelled, “I’m not treated well. We’re all the same our skin is just different.”

“SHUT UP!!” Mr. Gerald screamed at me. Mr. Andrew just sat there and watched silently. Mr. Andrew was a very quiet man the only words I heard him say were “please” and “thank you”.

“Come with me, Martin Luther,” Mr. Andrew said. He pulled me out into the jungle, far enough so his brother couldn’t hear us. “You can have my chicken if you want. Don’t listen to Gerald he is so full of himself. We are the same even if he doesn’t believe it; keep on standing up for yourself. One day Gerald will finally treat you how you should be treated.” Mr. Andrew said.

Hearing that made me so happy I wanted to scream. I knew I had to make more of these scenes to help Mr. Gerald see that we are equal. We returned to the fire and acted like nothing had just happened.

After my dinner of rice and Mr. Andrews chicken, all three of us went to bed. I woke up in the morning and got ready for the hard day of trekking through the jungle. I started to take apart camp and Mr. Andrew came to help me.

“Thank you,” I said.

“Remember what I said, stand up for yourself,” Mr. Andrew said to me.

We began hiking, as usual; I was carrying the heavy backpack. Just as I was getting used to the weight of the pack, Mr. Gerald found some rocks that he wanted. He then proceeded to put them in the backpack. The rocks added an extra 20 pounds, which made a huge difference. We continued walking for a few hours then we stopped for a break.

“Why do I always carry the backpack?” I asked. I looked and saw Mr. Andrew smiling.

“Because I don’t want to carry it Mr. Gerald said.

“Fine, I guess I’ll just leave,” I said as I slipped off the backpack. I turned and walked away.

“Wait!” Mr. Gerald yelled.

“Is there something you need before I leave?” I asked.

“I know I haven’t been the best of employers, but don’t leave we really need you on this journey. We can have a rotation on who carries the bag .You don’t have to set up your tent far away. We will help you set up camp. We will also give you some chicken for dinner.” Mr. Gerald said.

“I guess I can stay,” I said.

The rest of the journey went by rather quickly. I was respected and treated nicely. We found our way to a Costa Rican town and got on a plane back to the states. Back in the U.S. the brothers and I became great friends. I was finally treated equally.

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