My Moment | Teen Ink

My Moment

October 21, 2013
By Adam Matich BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Adam Matich BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
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“And the home of the brave!” The crowd was absolutely berserk. everyone's face look like they just won the lotto. Whipping Towels around in circles like they were controlling NASCAR drivers. The noise was unbearable, you could of heard it from space.

My heart was pumping at least 100 times a second, sweat dripping from my hairline all the way down to the tip of my nose and jumping off as like it was on a diving board. The domination in my teammates eyes as they walk with me to huddle up and call the play. I take a pause, I look up and just zone out. “All my hard work has gotten my to where i am standing right now” I hear myself say to myself at that moment. The years i have put into this sport lead me here and i could have not been prouder. I Glance to the clarkston stands and see my family as they have been watching me my whole life play this game I love, rooting me on. I see everyone of their faces light up as i wave to them, I get a warm feeling in my heart and just smile to my self. “Left jack 427, on one.” I snap back into reality again and hear my quarterback call the play. we all clap and run up to the line of scrimmage. One…. two…. three….four….five long strides i found myself taking to get to the ball and every lineman i was next to. seeing each yard mark pass by me as i ran over them counting them as i pass. I look to the right of me, the center yelled out a few commands to me and the right guard and he got ready to snap the ball. I turn to the left of me then see my left tackle getting ready for the play, Then i got set and the rest of the lineman did the same as we had been doing for a couple months now in practice. Just think of it like practice and you will be fine I said to myself. I stared at the guy in front of me with terror in his eyes I clenched my fist as hard as I could then relaxed them. As i took my first step i could almost feel my body come out as one. It was the most energy that i have every let out on a play. I engage with my guy and feel my body towering over his and start leaning, i land on top of him and then get up, i ran back to the huddle and nodded to myself and thought that this wasn't to bad. That's what it felt like to play my first play on varsity football as a freshman.

Playing on varsity since a freshman has been a game changer for me for sure and has been a challenge. It was both these because it is way faster than the pace i was use to and it has taught me that i am able to play at levels much higher than i am use to and i found out a lot about myself since then. I try to push myself everyday to become a better player because i know if i don’t get better i will get worse so i know to try hard everyday. Ever since my achievement on football i push myself to become not only a better player but a better person off the field as well.

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