A boys dream | Teen Ink

A boys dream

September 26, 2013
By shah08 BRONZE, High Point, North Carolina
shah08 BRONZE, High Point, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There once was a boy named William. He lived with his mother and father on a small farm. His dad worked day and night to make money to put food on the table for William and his mother. He barely got enough money to support them every month. It all depended on the weather and if the crops grew or not.

William’s mom was a house wife and did everything she could to make William feel loved. She also cooked and cleaned to make there small farm house look as good as possible. After all her chores were done, she’d go in her small room all alone and cry. She always thought of having a different life; what she didn’t know was that change was coming right around the corner. William was a very smart child who always read books, magazines, newspapers or whatever you put in front of him. His favorite book was the dictionary. He knew the meaning of every word and how it was spelled from the front of the book to the back. He always dreamt of being in a national spelling bee and winning the grand prize so he could give his family a better life. Little did he know, his dream was about to come true. All his hard work and constant reading was about to pay off. And it all started with a knock on his front door.

His mom opened the door to a well dressed man with a black suit and white tie and some shiny black shoes to go along with it. His mom opened the conversation with a “can I help you”. The man answered with a simple “I’m looking for the next big thing”. He further explained how he was a recruit for national events which surprisingly included spelling bees . The first thought that went through his moms mind was that he must be really desperate to come all the way out in the middle of no where for the next big thing. She did not say that to him but instead introduced him to William. William was in complete shock as of how this opportunity came to him. All his hard work was soon to pay off.

The man tested William in every category of spelling until he realized that William was the one. He presented an opportunity to William about going to NYC with him for the regional spelling bee and within seconds, William agreed. He got set to pack for his long trip to NYC. He was very excited but also sad at the same time knowing he had to leave his family. He made a promise to his mother and father that the next time they hear from him, he would have won the national spelling be and will be bringing the grand prize home.

Then off they went to the great city of New York. When they landed, William had no time to sleep or study. They went straight to the regional championships and began there journey to stardom. William was #6 behind five other kids who looked as nervous as I’ve ever seen. Looking at them made me nervous as my hands began to pile up with sweat. The man grabbed my shoulder and told me “may the odds be ever in your favor”. I felt like I’ve heard that before but was to nervous to think. Then I heard the announcer call “#6 please approach the stage”. My heart dropped and my eyes widened. It was my time to go, my time to shine, my time to show the world what I’m really made of and make my parents proud, it was my time.

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