The Beautiful Mermaid | Teen Ink

The Beautiful Mermaid

June 1, 2013
By Anonymous

Once upon a time there was a mermaid. Her name was Sea Foam.
She was a mermaid that didn’t like who she was, or what she looked like. One day she said to herself “Why, aren’t I one of the prettier mermaids?” All the other mermaids were much prettier. They were skinny, perfect, and all the mermen fall head over tails for them. And every time she would think like this her scales on her fins and tail became what she thought of her self: ugly.
What she thought about herself had become true. She wasn’t pretty any more. Her scales had become a mix of colors like burnt orange.
Then all the popular merteens began to laugh when she went to sea school the next day. This made Sea Foam cry.
They said mean things like “Hey, sea clown why you must be the ugliest mermaid I have ever seen” or “Hey, Sea Foam when was the last time you looked in the mirror…. Oh, wait you broke it fatty.”
This made Sea Foam feel even worse.
Her scales turned an even more disgusting shade of color: blackish orange.
She hated the way she looked and wanted to do something about it. She went on a seafood diet. She stopped eating breakfast, then stopped eating lunch, then dinner. But it didn’t work. She felt so hungry and weak that Sea Foam started eating a lot. And she used the food to comfort her. But it was making things even worse, she was gaining weight.
Her friend knew all about her eating disorder and wanted to help her. She can tell it was doing more damage to her than good.
Her friend Aquamarine started eating breakfast, lunch and dinner with Sea Foam. So that she didn’t feel the need to eat her feelings away.
So gradually Sea Foam started beginning to feel better about her self and her scales began to change from blackish orange to a beautiful green.
She began doing better in every thing she did. Sea foam did this because she felt better about her self and was confident. She then learned that whatever what you look like you are beautiful

The author's comments:
This piece is inspired on about my life. I know its sad but it is true and their is a lot of people that use food as comfort. I hope this helps.

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