I dont Know | Teen Ink

I dont Know

June 3, 2013
By Giovanni Lopez BRONZE, Watsonville, California
Giovanni Lopez BRONZE, Watsonville, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He was an ordinary kid Martin Lopez he was 15 year and he went to Duckless high he was a kind kid who just move to Woodlin town. Everyone in the town was kind, nice, and friendly no one hated anyone in the old town because everyone knew each other it was just a small town in Ohio where people loved to farm and do their own thing. Martin didn’t like his school because he was a freshmen with no friends and no one to be with at school during break and at loch time he got bullied time to time and no one helped him at school when he was getting bullied everyone was a bystander in the school. Until one day when Martin was getting bullied someone stood up for him her name was Linda Michel she yelled out with rage at the guys that were picking on Martin and told them “Don’t you get tired of hurting an innocent kid ,don’t you guys have something better to do!?” After that day Martine had a good friend him and her were together during break and at lunch and he was happy that he had a friend.

Later on Martin ask Linda out and she said yes but he still got picked on at school ,Martin stood up form himself but he got beat up at times one day he got beaten up he went to the hospital. His mom told the principle to do something about it but nothing ever happen he still go beat up after that and was call a snitch and a mommy’s boy, People also told Linda things just because she was going out with Martin. One day Martin was starting to go less to school the time he didn’t go to school he laid on his bed thinking about his life while tears where running down his face . The day before that he tried to take his own life away because he couldn’t take the bullying anymore he drank lots a pills so he can overdose but luckily he survived ,his mom saw he on the floor and called 911 they pumped his stomach to take all the pills out but he was still in bad shape. The put him for subside watch, but when he woke up the first person he saw was Linda and she cried out to him saying “why were you trying to kill yourself if you have lots to live for “He lived his life with no problems then a few years later they got married and moved out of the town so they can put the past away once in for all.

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