The Venezuelan Heartthrob | Teen Ink

The Venezuelan Heartthrob

May 29, 2013
By Anonymous

Antonio von Julio was a world renowned Latin American musician. He specialized in Spanish love songs. Born in Venezuela, he always had a person that he idolized. In fact, his first name was named after him. His idol was none other than Antonio Banderas. He moved to the states as soon as his poor family could muster up enough money to pay for it. Of course he would miss his friends, but he would make new ones in the States. His friends could speak Spanish just like him, but when he would move to the States, people would look at him like he’s an alien.
During the move, he got a plane ticket and went on a plane. His family decided to stay behind. The plane was for immigrants. On the plane, he met a Puerto Rican woman who was also moving to the States as well. Antonio was relieved. He could make a friend who was just like him! Luckily, she was sitting right beside him in an aisle seat. He thought to himself, “¡Ay yi yi! Ella es muy muy bonita! Y sus ojos! Su como diamentes! Está bien, está bien. Usted puede hacer esto. Sólo le toque en el hombro y preséntese.” And so, Antonio tapped the beautiful girl on the soldier. Her eyes shone like the sun under a beautiful sapphire blue sea. “Um. Perdón. Como te llamas?” She smiled. “¡Ay de mí! ¿Yo hablo español?” “Sí. Yo vivo en Venezuela.” “Venezuela? Cool. Yo vivo en Puerto Rico con mi mamá y papá. Me llamo Julía y no tengo un appellido.” “Ah,” Antonio said, “¿Cuántos años tienes?” Julia asked. “Estoy casi trece años de edad,” responded Antonio, “¿y tú?” “Yo tengo diez y seis años en junio.” When Antonio heard this, he was sad. It would be wrong to date a girl almost three years older than him. So he promised to at least date her when he was 15 and her when she was 18. For now, he would just be her friend. A passenger, who was two years older than Julia, named Estefan, overheard the conversation. He wanted to be friends with Antonio, too. “Hey, ¿puedo participar en la conversación? Tengo un nuevo amigo, ya todos mis otros amigos son idiotas o actuar de manera inapropiada,” he asked. “Claro, si lo desea. Todos somos inmigrantes aquí. No veo por qué no,” Julia said, smiling. “¿De donde eres? Antonio es de Venezuela y yo vivo Puerto Rico,” Julia asked. “Pues, yo vivo en Argentina. Mi familia es originalmente de Chile. Necesitamos ayuda. Estábamos viviendo en condiciones de pobreza. Acabamos de ganar nuestra independencia de España. Cuando nos enteramos de que el avión immigrantes casas, bueno, nos contacto con ellos tan pronto como sea posible,” Estefan said, telling his new friends a little bit about himself.

When the plane finally landed in the States, it landed in south part of Texas where Hispanics and poor Mexican families were common. This meant bad neighborhoods with lots of crime. They just had to be careful of gangs that didn’t want them there. “Es muy bueno que todos terminamos en el mismo lugar,” said Estefan. “Sí,” Antonio and Julia replied in unison. “Entonces, ¿dónde quieres ir ahora?” asked one of the friends. “No se. ¿Tal vez a un restaurante? Nunca he estado en los estados antes, así que no sé lo que es eso,” Julia inquired. “Primero debemos convertir nuestros pesos en dinero y si tenemos suficiente, vamos a comprar una casa para vivir, así como un coche. Tengo el presentimiento de que tenemos por lo menos 40 pesos. ¿Cualquiera que se oponen? Entonces está decidido. Todo lo que necesitamos es un tiempo para lograrlo y estamos listos para ir. Así que si cada uno de nosotros cambiar nuestra moneda por separado y en dólares estadounidenses ponemos todo junto puede ser que tengamos suficiente dinero para comprar un coche o coches separados en función de lo que quiere hacer de ese momento,” Julia said, setting up a plan. Antonio and Estefan blinked. “¡Wow! ¡Eso es mucho para tomar pulg!”

And so, they planned to cash in their money separately and what the value was in dollars, they put it all together so they could buy a car. They explored the neighborhood, as well as the area. They asked around to see if there were any “bancos” nearby. One person said there was one called Wells Fargo up the road a ways. It turned out that all their pesos separately added up to 40 bucks just like Estefan had imagined but it wasn’t enough to buy a car so they took out a loan while they were there. Then Estefan asked something that was on everyone’s mind. “¿Existen grandes sueños que cambiarán la composición entera de usted mientras usted está en los Estados Unidos. Por ejemplo, hacerse famoso o rico?” Antonio spoke up, “Como cuestión de hecho, hay. Quiero crecer y llegar a todas las damas como Antonio Banderas, mi ídolo y hacer canciones españolas de amor. Cuando conocí a Julia, que me inspiró a. Ella es tan hermosa.” Julia clutched her heart. “¡Oh eso es tan dulce!” “De hecho, iba a pedirte que seas mi novia pero no pude porque A) Yo era demasiado tímido y B) que era una tontería en el momento,” Antonio added in. And thus began Antonio’s love song career. The three friends planned to be a band practicing in a garage at first, but dismissed the idea because they all wanted to go their own separate paths.

Within two years, Antonio sampled his songs for a record label. This would determine his fame. One of them named, “Mi Dulce Amor”, came to be a hit. In one day it reached 333 million listeners over the radio – all of them loved it. Unfortunately one online prankster added “de Chocolate” at the end and so he became a candy model covering advertisements of chocolate covered strawberries at McDonald’s and Golden Corral. To add on to the chaos, McDonald’s and Golden Corral were mad that they were selling the exact same items at the exact same time. Both workers of the company proposed a strike and Antonio was caught in the middle of it, being pelted with questions of whose version of chocolate covered strawberries was better. He got a headache because he couldn’t decide so he bolted home. “¿Qué ha pasado? Pensé que iba a ser una estrella que las damas encantó! Es todo por culpa de ese troll estúpido en Internet. Debería ir a su casa y explicar lo que está pasando con mi carrera. Tal vez pueda arreglar esto. Mustn’t perder la esperanza,” he said. Pretty soon, he fixed the problem. He didn’t really like Golden Corral that much so he went with McDonald’s version of chocolate covered strawberries, which were more plump and juicy and emitted a bright ripe red glow.

Without the interruption and distraction of the Internet troll, he continued to make love songs. Five minutes later, the troll removed “de Chocolate” and Antonio finished the lyrics and went to a record label for the second time. It was definitely better than the last.

Five years later and now girls chase him. Sometimes the crowd gets so rough and rowdy that they actually tear his one-of-a-kind clothes off claiming it as a keepsake for the young star struck heartthrobs. He can’t get enough of the fame. One girl even fainted. The Mayor even let him cut the ceremonial ribbon of a monument dedicated to him called “El Pasillo de Amor” – featuring all his songs and photos of his childhood styled like a Tunnel of Love Ride (a sidewalk and a ditch with cars that rides along the sidewalk so that the groupies and fans could know more about his life. Some people oohed and ahhed.

Now you’re probably wondering what happened to Julia. She’s doing fine. Of course Antonio didn’t marry her, which is shocking. No, he married a German girl named Fraudline, which is ironic because it means “girl” in German. Other girls are jealous and want him to be theirs. Julia was now married to a nice store clerk in Madrid with 4 children.
In the course of five years, he earned a quarter of a million pesos from singing and didn’t get any X’s on American Idol or America’s Got Talent. He had an ice cream named after him called “Él Guapo Chocolate”. Antonio never did learn any English because time flew by with adventures of his friends, but Julia on the other hand, did.
Estefan got, not a record label, but a degree in videogame design. He invented “El Grito de la Muerte”, a horror game about an activation of an evil curse that raises the dead and fights the civilians with the Grim Reaper in charge on the Day of the Dead. He sold 150,000 copies at every part of Spain and México at GameStop®. He is going on campaign to introduce it to Sweden and the Netherlands. It soon was rated highly addictive by ESRB and rated M for Mature. People of 12-20 years old wouldn’t sleep until 4 in the morning. So even though they didn’t become a band, at least every one of them got what they wished for individually. The moral of this story is that if you are to stick to your goal or lifelong dream, it may eventually come true when you least expect it.

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