A Rude Awakening | Teen Ink

A Rude Awakening

May 8, 2013
By shani99 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
shani99 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't need easy, I just need possible!

Imagine a world where there was nothing but beaches. Every day, you could feel completely carefree and powerful. Now think about if we lived in that society but, there were still criminals. Well, something in reality struck me by surprise one day as I was laying on the beach. A big wave swallowed me up and when I awoke, I was among many many criminals.

This was not my kind of day. I wanted to have a peaceful day on the beach with no worries or obstacles in the way. I was having this kind of day until high tide rolled in. As this happened, a big wave came over me and swallowed my body up. I wanted to get up and roll away in time but unfortunately, I was asleep so I couldn't do anything. When I awoke, I was in a big room with the lights turned off. I knew that this was not going to end well for me.

What I didn't know was that there in the room, was a ton of criminals. They were all standing around me waiting for me to realize what was going on. When I awoke, they told me what they wanted. They wanted a ring that I had on my finger. Now, this ring was a gift from my long lost cousin Bethany which contains rubies and diamonds. I was not prepared to give it away without a fight.

I screamed in their faces!
I said, "No, no!! You will not take this from me!! It is near and dear to my heart!!

They did not care what I was saying.
They said, "Little girl, we don't want this to become an issue. Just hand us the ring and you may go back to wherever you came from. We don't want to fight."

I was really mad when they said that because I knew that I would be letting my cousin down greatly if I gave it away.....


The author's comments:
This is only the first chapter of what I'm writing. I would like some feedback on it because I am new to this website. Thanks!

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