Sasquatch Lives | Teen Ink

Sasquatch Lives

March 11, 2013
By Hunter Wojslaw BRONZE, Central Square, New York
Hunter Wojslaw BRONZE, Central Square, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sasquatch Lives

One time a few years ago i saw something so bizarre i couldn't believe it. I saw the most mysterious creature that's lives in the woods. I think i saw Sasquatch.
It was a normal summer day when i inited my neighbor/friend to go fishing in the stream behind our houses. Just like we had done many times before. So we gathered are things as usual and set off. Its about a half mile walk to the small stream filled with little bluegills and other small fish. On the way there we noticed a lot of broken branches and scratches on some trees ,but we thought nothing of it. Once we had arrived everything seemed normal as always. We were catching a lot of fish and were having fun. We lost track of time and before we knew it was getting dark. We had prepared with flashlight before hand just in case we wanted to stay late. Once it got to dark to see our fishing lines we decided to start heading back. We packed away our worms, poles, and lures into our backpacks. Almost immediately after we started back we heard 3 loud knocks on a tree. Me and my friend both looked at each other and shrugged and kept walking. We only got about 20 or 30 yards before we heard the 3 loud knocks again. Now we started getting a nervous. But we kept walking anyway. The next thing that happened was the scariest. in front of us a big pine tree just randomly came crashing down and we didn't know what to do. We both just started to run in the direction of the house. But it didn't take long for my friend to trip on a tree stump. I couldn't just leave him so i had to go get him. i knelled down to see if he was okay. All he had was a few cuts and bruises so i helped him up and we started running again. When we finally hit the main trail to get back i turned back because i felt like we were being followed. I couldn't believe what i saw. at the end of the trail i saw a huge hairy figure much taller then any human or any other animal. I tapped my friend on the shoulder and he turned around to see the massive creature. The creature suddenly grunted then took of insanely fast into the tress. We ran the rest of the way to the house and didn't tell anyone because we knew they wouldn't believe us. We were just baffled at what that creature could be. The next day we researched what could of looked like that and knock down trees. From much research we concluded that it had to of been a Sasquatch. There was no other reasonable explanation. It had to be.
Sasquatch is a real creature. All of the sightings make sense. The knocks on trees and tress falling all match other peoples experiences. Sasquatch lives!

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