The Truth | Teen Ink

The Truth

January 17, 2013
By Lizzy413 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
Lizzy413 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Do you think its going to be what we want it to be ?" asked Angel "Honestly...I don't know" "Are you okay ?" "Yeah, I'm Fine"
Michelle is 14 years old and shes pregnate from her 16 year old boyfriend Angel. Michelle's parents don't know about this and Michelles planning to tell them. She tells Angel i'm going to run away with you back to Los Angeles. Shes a strait "A" student, perfect attendence, and an honors student. Michelles 4 months pregnate and strarting to show. Her and Angel decided to tell her there parents together. One saturday night Michelle's family and Angel's family both got to dinner and don't know whats going on. "Mom, dad?" They both said together. " We Uhhmm.. Have to tell you something.. I'm uhhmm .. " Michelle continues. "Michelle's pregnate." Angel finishes . They both cross there fingers hoping nothings going to happen. The entire resturaunt goes silent. "Pregnate?!" Michelle's dad eyes beaming into hers. Michelles fingers uncross and quietly lok down to the ground axiously not knowinh what was going to happen.

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