Afraid of You | Teen Ink

Afraid of You

December 18, 2012
By OxygenLovelies SILVER, Pittston, Maine
OxygenLovelies SILVER, Pittston, Maine
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
There are worlds out there where the skies are burning, where the sea sleeps, and the rivers dream. People made of smoke and cities made of song. Somewhere there is danger, somewhere there's injustice, and somewhere the tea is getting cold... - DW

I’m scared of you. You're going to die and I’m scared of you. I have no words, no courage. You told me today that all you wanted was to go back, to go home. But you can’t, I couldn’t tell you that. They don’t want you there dead or alive, they don’t want you. I don’t want you. I’m scared for you, I’m scared of death, I’m scared of words. People know, they always know. It’s hard to hide. But you’re going to die and I don’t want to help you. Is that wrong? We left yesterday. We left the world behind and had the air, just to ourselves. But they came looking for you, for you not me. You can’t be out anymore, you're much too fragile. Thats what they’ve told me, time and time again. But I want you to see. I want to show you the world before its taken from you. Yesterday you cried, and they told me you had to die. I told them they weren’t to touch you until I came back. They didn’t listen, but your still here. I took you out again, knowing this would be the last time, I showed you the moon and the stars, I told you not to cry and never, ever be afraid. I told you not to cry, when you leave me, but I don’t know if you listened. I’m scared for them. They show no emotion. Don’t they care? Can’t they stop this? Too small, they say, you're just too small and this all happened too early. I don’t believe them. You look strong, but you sound so feeble, so old. And today is the last day. Tomorrow you won’t exist. You're going to die, and I’m not afraid.

The author's comments:
I saw a woman taking a baby out of an incubator, she had tears on her face, these are her thoughts.

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