Diary of a Nerd | Teen Ink

Diary of a Nerd

August 10, 2012
By Junyi Fan BRONZE, SARATOGA, California
Junyi Fan BRONZE, SARATOGA, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sunday, January 1st, 2012, sunny

Dear diary: I went to the library today. Don’t be surprise, I know it’s New Year’s Day and I totally don’t want to go to those creepy parties, which people dancing in the dark ballroom with beer in their hands. I found a book about the Bigfoot. I think they exist in the world, probably in an ancient forest in somewhere. So I brought some books back home, and a big bag of MeowMix for my little nerdy cat. You know he doesn’t like to go out.

Monday, January 9th, 2012, cloudy

Dear diary: this whole week I stayed at home and finished those books about the mysterious Bigfoot. They known as ape-like, hairy and cryptozoological creature which lived in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. Actually, I could do more researches, but I have to buy some instant noodles downstairs.

Emo called me dozens of times this week. At the first time, he yelled at me hysterically on the phone because he left his key behind the door. So I suggested him to call his girlfriend while I put the cat food in the plate. But the other side of the phone became quiet and I heard sobs, then he cut off. I thought he probably had running nose, right? Watching the video about the Bigfoot, Emo called me but I ignored it. I shall pick up that damned phone, because ten minutes later he stood on my door mat with a box of tissues and a heart-shape pillow.

Tuesday, January 10th, rainy

Dear diary: I didn’t sleep whole night but not for my research. Emo cried loudly like somebody was tearing and cracking his heart for unless three hours. He sat on my coach, murmured his ex-girlfriend’s name with my yawn all night, with tear stains on his face. After that the misery happened to me again. He left my house in the afternoon with two rows of white teeth, a sunny smile, and one of my favorite model battleships which took me one month to finish.

Saturday, January 14th, cloudy

Dear diary: for Emo’s sake, I ran out of tissues. I met a blank-face Goth couple on the way to the store. The girl looked like walking out from a book of eighteen century folk vampire story with dyed black hair, smoky eyes, wine-red lips, pale makeup and piercings everywhere. The guy next to her wore a black leather jacket with a fishnet as decoration, and he had dramatical huge hair. I looked myself up and down: a pair of overalls, a bow tie and my great-design glasses with thick black rims. I love my suit.

Friday, January 20th, sunny

Dear diary: I posted a blog about the Bigfoot on Nerdsloveacademic.com today. Surprisingly, I found a new friend on Facebook. He had thousands of flavorful and toothsome pictures of food with comments, that makes me felt like dropped into a world of empty mouths and stomachs. According to those pictures, I can tell that my new friend travelled around the world only for delicacies. From fish in the sea, mammals on the land to birds in the sky, and cooking technics such as bake, steam, stir-fry, fry and stew, without doubt, he knows all of them. He must be the king of glutto.

Sunday, January 29th, sunny

Dear diary: I went to the video store today. I couldn’t help myself pay attention to a girl in a white T-shirt with a Han Solo picture on it. We were both looking for The Matrix, but the seller told us he sold out.

Monday, January 30th, sunny

Dear diary: I think I fall in love with the geek girl. She invited me to her place today, and we watched Star Wars together.

By the way, she loves my article about the Bigfoot.

The author's comments:
Black humorous, classification essay.

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