Mirror On The Wall | Teen Ink

Mirror On The Wall

June 23, 2012
By Krazy.Katie GOLD, Sparks, Nevada
Krazy.Katie GOLD, Sparks, Nevada
12 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll fall among the stars
What is always right isn't popular, what's popular isn't always right

This is what I see every morning when i wake up.

You see that girl... over there?
The one with straight light brown hair?
The one who does her make-up very little yet beautifully?
The one who has an amazing smile that?
The one who is only strong and won't ever break down?
The one who is her own person and independent?
The one who's head strong and is a leader?
Th one who has a say in anything and everything?
Yea I know her... I see her in the mirror every morning. But i see her different than anything
I see a girl with frizzy brown hair.
I see a girl who needs more make-up just to feel beautiful.
I see a girl with geeky braces
I see a girl who hides her feelings and puts a smile on everyday even though how bad she feels.
I see a girl who is struggling to be herself any where she goes.
I see a girl who cries on the inside but hides it with a smile.
I see a girl who wish she has said things when she didn't.
I see a girl who has made too many mistakes.
But if there's one thing i can say is that everyone who looks into there mirror and thinks to highly of them selves and judges what they see in front of them.... YOU'RE ALL BEATIFUL AND YOU DON'T NEED TO CHANGE ANYTHING ABOUT YOU! YOU'RE PERFECT JUST THE WAY YOU ARE! <3

The author's comments:

<3 katie

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