My Big Fat F | Teen Ink

My Big Fat F

March 13, 2024
By Anonymous

My name is Conner J. Anderson , A kid with green eyes, with handsome hair, and nice clothes to wear. Just like any handsome looking kid. But I like to say that I’m kind of stupid. 

Well at school, I was in 7th grade and I really had a big reading test that was 95% of your grade and I already had a  81% which is a B- in that subject. 

So I’m on the bus waiting to get to school and I was already there in 4 minutes. My friend Charles who was 5 foot 4 while I was 5 foot 2. Well I sat next to him,  I had to lift my head up to talk to him, so I was cool about it. “ Are you ready for the big test in ELA?” He said to me while I was looking at the ground thinking what I'm going to do about ELA because I forgot to study. “Yea. 

I mean I forgot to study last night because I was so tired.” I said really nervous. “Well that sucks. I mean, I would hate to be you right now because It is 95% of your grade and I studied really hard.” 

“True. But I would get mad if you kept saying that because it would make me feel bad for myself for not STUDYING.” I said, getting angrier. “Well I hope you do great!!. ”Charles said with a happy voice. “ Thank you. I hope you do great too.” “Thank you.” Charles said when we left the bus. I got into the school hoping that I would get a B+ or higher because as I walked in I forgot that I had ELA 1st period and I had only 15 minutes before we switched classes, so I had to hurry!! I went on my chromebook and searched “ELA English”. I hope there was a topic or some information that I could study. There was a website Named “Golden English”. I hope it has some really important information. It had a lot of good stuff about the topic and I even enjoyed it myself. 

It had different grade levels so I clicked on 7th grade. I read for the whole time I could get out of 15 minutes but now I got 7 minutes now so I could read 4 more paragraphs. In 3 minutes I started packing up so I was ready. I was so excited to get it done. The bell rang. I went to ELA and I was ready. My ELA teacher's name is Mrs. Oliver and she was my favorite teacher in the school. She was nice, she gives us free time on fridays, and she sometimes lets us eat her brownies. She makes double fudge Brownies. They were fresh like just out of the oven and so warm. Sometimes you just want more because it is so good, that it is impossible to stop. 

Anyway Mrs. Oliver handed out the test and the questions on the first page were a little easy. But the 5 last ones were impossible to get right. I tried my best to answer them but they were so hard that it is like you have 4 brain cells left. I was the 2nd to the last person to turn in the test. So I was worried that I got a bad grade from a test that I didn't study for. Mrs. Oliver was always a nice teacher but also a fast grader for tests. 

Sometimes I think she works too hard and grades the tests in ten seconds which is fast in my opinion. I was ready for Mrs. Oliver to speak. “Ok class looks like the score average for this week's test is 93%. Great job everybody. He’s your test back Conner.” She said nicely. But when I looked at my test and looked at the grade I got a 57% which is a F+ or a F, I think. But it is bad because I wanted to get an Honor roll this year to prove that I love school and did great in school. But now I lose my chance. 

Well I did good in all my other classes sept ELA which is my weakness now but I won’t let that stop me. I got on the bus to show my parents but I didn’t want to lie so I had to think of a new Idea. But it turns out that I don’t have any ideas which is crazy but it is what it is. 

I got off the bus but I was running out of time so I had to think more and more but nothing came up. While thinking I was also getting closer to my house. But at that point I gave up. But I realize I can do something that looks funny and sounds funny. I got inside and found my parents waiting for me in the dining room. “Hi Conner, how was school today?” My Dad said in a nice voice like he’s just happy to see me. I replied “ Great, I loved it.” But my mom knew I needed to show her something. “Uhhh Conner do you need to show us something like a test from ELA because your teacher Mrs. Oliver texted us about the whole class taking an ELA test.” Oh yeah I forgot about that.” I said worried

But I got my test out from ELA and showed them. And saw the disappointment on their faces. “ Conner, why did you fail this test? Did you not study? My Dad said 

But I can’t lie so I said “ I’m sorry for failing on the test but I deserve it because I didn’t study, which I should so I wouldn’t fail again. And I won’t play video games until my grades go up” I felt like I said too much but I think it worked. “ It’s ok Conner were not mad at you but you need to make sure that when you hear a test coming up you better study.” My Dad said in a nice way. My Mom was very pleased with what his husband had said. 

It didn’t last long until I played video games and my parents saw me playing it and saw my grade report card taped up on the ceiling and my parents thought it was a joke but I said “until my grades get up” and then they realized what the trick was. But they were good about it.     

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