Sliding back | Teen Ink

Sliding back

September 7, 2023
By Robert_silas07 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Robert_silas07 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Troy, I am serverly addicted to candy. I love the sugar rush from candy. Everytime I get money, I buy candy. 

One day at school was super boring. I had some money, and I had my phone. There was this new candy dealer selling good stuff for cheap, I hit him up, and asked for some skittles. We met at the bathroom, and I got the candy. I proceeded to head back to class, but I was saving the candy for the next period. 

The next period came thorugh, and I ate all the candy. Something was off however. 30 minutes passed, no sugar rush. I looked closer, and it was off-brand sugar free Skittles. I was super furious, that I could feel my own blood rush in my veins.

I knew I had to do something about this, so I came up with a plan. I was going to steal all of his candy, and eat all of it. He always kept the candy in his backpack. So later that day I attempted to steal the candy, but he had a lock on his backpack.

Later that day after school, I made a lock pick for his lock. I also had some decoy candy wrapers so he wouldnt notice my little plan. The next day comes, and I went inside his class after the lunch bell rang. There it was, the bag. I used my lock pick, and the lock slid off like butter. But he must have found out cause he randomly walked in the class. My instant thought said “Holy guacamole”. He looked Furious, and walked up to me. He hit me super hard and I had to run. But theres something he forgot, im Troy Jacobs, and I wont let that slide. 

The next day was prepared, and I had a lot of energy. Later, the lunch bell rang, then I went to the bathroom. There he was, not paying attention, and I went for a punch. He proceeded to quickly turn around, and try to hit me. I was able to hit him, but all of a sudden, he pulled out a Nerf mega blaster. I quickly ran out the bathroom scared, but this isnt the last of it. 

Later in the day, I quickly talked to my friends. They said they will help me, and one of them is a hacker. This is good, because he was quickly able to find out where he lives. Later that night, we went on our bikes. We arrived, and our plan was to have a fake “pizza delivery”. He knocked on the door, and there he was. He looked confused, next thing you know he got hit with the Nerf gun.

Then another Nerf shot, You can see the frighting scare in his eyes. He tried to get up, but he got hit with another foam bullet. He passed out due to the pain, and we quickly left. The next day at school, I told him to hand over the money. He did, and I slapped him and laughed. Moral of the story, dont mess with Troy jacobs.

The author's comments:

This is about a kid that loves candy. 

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