Dog Slobber | Teen Ink

Dog Slobber

May 1, 2023
By Owen_Meyerson SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Owen_Meyerson SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Goldie darted over with a wide open mouth and drool flying out of the side with her tongue. She lurched and grabbed the navy blue Levis that Tyler was wearing with her nail-like teeth. The fangs and molars in her mouth were not dull, they were sharp like a shark; he felt adrenaline stream into his head and body almost instantly. Tyler looked down towards the pitbull and saw what looked like a playful dog jostling with its friend. He felt the warm slobber soak into his jeans and moisten his legs. Then, Goldie let go and looked up at him. Her face looked like a happy baby, and she barked and wagged her tail vigorously before jolting towards the house. Tyler looked up and sighed, and when he breathed in he got a waft of the freshly cut grass and soggy jeans. He dropped his baseball mitt and ran after her.

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