The miracle world | Teen Ink

The miracle world

October 15, 2022
By angelkun BRONZE, Smolensk, Other
angelkun BRONZE, Smolensk, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Silence… Even though the room was crowded, people standing in line were quiet. They were lost in the large hall with metallic glitter. Only officer’s tremulous smile showed some kind of emotions. Suddenly, his face changed. He exclaimed, “What did you say?!” A man answering his question was getting white.

“What is your mother tongue?” asked the officer again


“What bullsh*t! Do you know where you are?”

“But you asked me…I told you the truth… Maybe I misunderstood your question… “, said Mr. Lord

“Guards, take him!” proclaimed the officer

The sunlight hardly got into the room. Empty and gloomy cell was full of tiny insects. Mr. Lord was sitting near them motionless. A man lying on the floor near him was calm in spite of these disgusting bugs, running near his face. He turned and looked at his companion. Mr. Lord was silent. Then man sighed and eventually decided to say something.

“What’s the reason?”

“What do you mean, sir?” glanced at him Mr. Lord

“What’s the crime? Why are you here?”– repeated the man, pulling at his little moustache.

“The mother tongue, I suppose…”

Mr. Lord kept silence. A few moments later he asked, “What were they doing with the line?”

 “They were sending them to different cameras regarding their mother tongue. Those whose parents were propagandists were sent to the first class, the second class was for ordinary consumers, and the third one… you are here. It is made for…someone, who could be a threat…”

“Why am I a threat?”

The man suddenly sat and looked at him “Where are you from?” Mr. Lord didn’t reply.

“Fine…Frankly, I don’t care how it is even possible that you’re here. I have always wanted to meet one of you to ask you about your… you know… What’s the point?”

“The point of what?”

“Your language”

“The point of freedom? It is quiet easy and meanwhile difficult to answer. You just need to feel this.... Haven’t you ever felt that you want to control your mind on your own?”

“It is a dangerous question here, silly boy. Just tell me… how is it feeling?”

“To know that your mind is free?”

The man didn’t say anything

“It is quiet glorious. When you read it, you just let yourself analyze, revise, reread. You feel all your brains. You know that you utilize everything what was gifted to you. When you listen to someone, you don’t feel forced to believe what they are talking about, just because you realize that you have a right not to…And of course, you can search for the information everywhere”

“Huh… All information that you need is provided by government” – exclaimed the man

“Are you sure it is the truth?”

“Who cares”

“I do”

“That’s exactly why you’re sitting right here locked and alone. How is it feeling now?”

Mr. Lord didn’t answer. He just watched how the little beetles were fighting for a piece of bread.

“Why are you here? Do you also…”, started Mr. Lord

“Of course not!” exclaimed the man, “However, I am considered as a potential threat because of my mother. She actually was one of the supporters. Once she read to me some kind of forbidden books about the ancient language that existed centuries ago…yours”

“Centuries… It seemed like it was just one moment, but it was the centuries… I don’t know how I got into your world… I see my language is dead here. Every language dies without its native speakers. In my country, the language of freedom was official. Everybody was free to read, listen, speak, and write. The news were not politicized, the religions were allowed, the press was able to judge, and the court wasn’t dependent on authorities.”

“The miracle world”, laughed the man

“Maybe…” smiled Mr. Lord, “I wish I had fought for it. I would give everything to return and fight. If only I knew what was coming”

The author's comments:

There are two languages in the world: language of freedom and language of propaganda. It was the first thought that came to my mind after I'd decided to create something.

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