The Letter | Teen Ink

The Letter

April 18, 2022
By julia-reed07 BRONZE, St. Petersburg, Florida
julia-reed07 BRONZE, St. Petersburg, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It came. The letter. I've been waiting. Me and baby, Waiting. Waiting for an answer. The haze I've been in for too long, too long. Breathe. Is it a figment of my imagination or is it my reality? The paper. Soft and delicate. Like a lily petal on a calm spring day. The crisp seal on the back where the paper flaps open. Red. As vibrant as a ripe apple on a bright autumn morning. The anticipation. The waiting. Waiting for an answer. Breathe.  open the envelope, the excitement, the fear, the anxiety flow through my veins, like a dam breaking open after a century of holding water. It all stops. Paused. Halted. The news. Is it bad or good? The uncertainty of the future is real. Striking you in the face, like a sword stabbing you with the force of its final fight for justice. Breathe. I sit. I need to sit. This could change my life forever. Baby’s too. The soft round skin that grows around my body. Slowly. Changing. Like life. Life is fragile, an ever-changing factor, constantly in motion. Never stopping, never not changing. Like Earth. Rotating. Till the end. Is this the end? Or is it the start of a new beginning? Breathe. 

The author's comments:

this is a piece that makes you think about the future, life and change. which are all essential to life. i originally wrote this for an assignment at school but it was more then that.

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