a new kind of friend | Teen Ink

a new kind of friend

May 20, 2021
By aaking22 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
aaking22 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a normal day in his world, he woke up, got dressed, and left for school. Although his day started off right, school was not as kind to him. Every single day he dreaded going to school. The kids were always so mean, and he felt especially alone in his anxiety. He could feel ants crawling under his skin every time someone walked too close to him. The loud voices echoing off the walls ringing in his ears as he walked to class, his anxiety was the worst it had ever been. 

And then he got home. He took his final steps off of the school bus and strolled up his driveway to be met by his favorite person, his mom. Except this time, she had a gift. Her hands held a box labeled “delicate”, his curiosity peaking. She gestured towards the box, and that was enough for him to shuffle forward and take a look.

Inside rested a small furry being, and he wasn’t quite sure what to do with it. A hamster. Inside the box laid a caramel-brown ball of fur. His mom thought he could find a friend in the hamster, it could give him a sense of responsibility and companionship. And the hamster did just that.

He took great care of the hamster, it was what got him through each horrifying school day. His anxiety even started getting better. It was like the hamster gave him clarity. Hamsters are friends.

The author's comments:

Just a flash fiction piece for my creative writing class.  

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