It Was All a Dream | Teen Ink

It Was All a Dream

January 12, 2021
By Hfarmer21 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
Hfarmer21 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was all a dream

Back in 2020, a virus called Covid-19 broke out across the world. People were dying, stores were closed, the streets were empty and family and friends were separated. I didn’t see my friends and extended family in over two months. I missed going to school and to my dance studio, I just wanted to hug my friends and grandparents, I missed going into stores and doing everyday normal things. There were rumors that it would come back in the fall, and it was so much worse than expected.  

It is now May 4th, 2023 and the unthinkable has happened. The only people left on this earth are under the age of 20, and I am one of them. Out of my family only my 9 year old sister and I are left. The world is basically a ghost town, the stores are empty, there are cars crashed in the streets, and buildings up in flames because of rioting. The government made this virus and is controlling to whom it affects. We have observed that it only affects you if you are over the age of 19 you pass away within a month of your birthday. I have a month until my birthday and my new concern is who will take care of my little sister.

It is now my birthday, June 4th, 2023 and I have turned 20. Within the next month I will no longer be on this earth and my 10 year old sister will be left alone for the next 10 years. I tell her, “I promise I won’t leave you alone, trust me.” She is  scared, and that is the last possible way I want her to feel. My next mission is to find someone healthy and responsible to take on the tasks of caring for my sister. I begin to knock on my friends' doors who I haven’t seen in three years. Nobody answers. I come to my old best friend's doorstep who is a few years younger than me, before I knock I brace myself for no answer. The door opens and I am relieved. We talked for the next few hours and we decided to move into her house until I passed on. She has agreed to watch over my sister until her time has come, I now know that she is in good hands. 

It is now July 4th, 2023 and today is my last day in this world. I lay in my bed with my sister and best friend knowing these are my last moments on earth. I close my eyes and take my last breath. I suddenly wake up to the sound of an alarm clock with my sister sleeping next to me, and my mom yelling for me to get up and get ready for school. I check my phone which reads the time of 6:30 am August 24, 2020. It is my first day of school for my senior year. I later found out that Corona had ended over the summer in 2020 and was no longer a threat in the world. It was all a dream.

The author's comments:

My name is Hannah I am a senior in high school and I like to make real stories into fantasy 

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