Nights in the City | Teen Ink

Nights in the City

May 31, 2019
By sanasidd BRONZE, Souderton, Pennsylvania
sanasidd BRONZE, Souderton, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The city is absolutely gorgeous and breathtaking especially right before I go to bed around 11 pm. I turn off all of the lights in my house to see the lights in the city down below my building. Before bed, I love to look over the city. I believe I have the best view in all of Manhattan since my penthouse is the highest apartment building in all of Manhattan. Seeing all of the cars passing by and the view of many buildings around mine is just what I need to see before going to bed. I need to remind myself why I moved to the city in the first place.

It always had been my dream to move to a busy city like New York. Many people thought I was delusional for thinking a girl like me could ever make it in the Big Apple. For a long time, I believed that I couldn’t make it where I am today but I realized I need to prove everyone wrong. And so I did. I created an empire for myself and a company that skyrocketed over 4 years ago and it’s still successful. I’m very proud of myself because I’ve made it where I’ve dreamt of being.

Those are the thoughts I think of right before bed. These thoughts help me gain confidence in myself and get ready for another day in the city. I used to not know how much I was worth but seeing the growth in me definitely, helps me see that I’ve made it to my ultimate destination in life. All I can say is that I am happy with where I am now. I look down once more to see the view of the tops of the building and the city lights to say goodnight to the city that never sleeps.

The author's comments:

This piece is the beginning of a novella called, Some Never Change.


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