Surviving Salem | Teen Ink

Surviving Salem

January 24, 2014
By tricethegymnast BRONZE, Watauga, Texas
tricethegymnast BRONZE, Watauga, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Surviving Salem

Flashes. Flashes of light. It took a while before my vision became a vivid painted picture. I see fire, the town’s on fire. The hot blazing flames circling me like I caused it. Citizens suffering and innocent people being killed. I finally regained consciousness with a cold sweat. My vision had me shaking and scared of what I foresaw. My name is Sara Good and I am a witch with the gift of clairvoyance. The numbers of my people are dwindling in the shadows of this dark time. I live in Salem Massachusetts and as of now the church is killing off anybody accused of being a witch. With what little knowledge they have of witchcraft they think that all witches are evil and are murderers but I know this isn't true in my case. Why would I have to be put to death just because I have witches blood?

Going into town is a horrific sight, seeing women and men but mostly women, being gathered in groups to be put on trial for witchcraft. Anyone person suspicious or that did not attend church would be on trial. Among the talk of the towns people I hear there is a witch lynching at 7 o’clock this evening. The sun is setting in the distance and I can tell that its almost time. All the towns people are crowded around the the big platform. Behind it the accused witches followed behind the towering platform in a line. The first woman walks up to the platform with the noos and stands there waiting. She puts her head through the tattered rope and stands there shaking. In no time the stool is kicked from under her feet and she is hanging struggling to catch a breath. I focus on the rope and wish it would break and sure enough she drops to the floor gasping for breath. I looked around confused on what happened but soon realized that I did it, I cut the rope. I had to get out of there!

Opening the door to my house I went straight to the bookshelf to the shadow book. In it contains information about my coven and abilities. I flip through the pages until I find what I was looking for. It read that witches with two or more abilities are destined for greatness and will soon come to terms with all six abilities- clairvoyance, necromancy, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, mind altering, and zoolingualism. It’s all making sense. I now know what I am meant to do, I have to save these women from being killed. I have to save them!

Walking outside I feel the cool crisp air on my skin and the hollow breeze of the wind whistling past my face. In the distance I see two tall men dressed in all black. Witch Hunters! The silhouettes seem to get bigger and taller as they trudge forward. I keep my cool and casually keep moving. I concentrate on the thoughts inside their heads and in no time I knew everything that was on their mind. They have came to capture me! I make a sharp turn and sprinted back to my house, they quickly picked up their speed following close behind me. I run quickly to the to the attic and climb up. Waiting. BANG BANG!! The knocks on the door shake the whole house. “Open the door Sara, we know that you’re a witch!” Sitting in the corner of my attic terror-stricken, they finally kick the door down sending panic through my body. Their foot steps gradually get louder and louder as they frisk my house tossing furniture in search to find me.”Magnus, you go check the bedroom and I’ll check out what this staircase leads to.” When I hear this my heart sinks into the pit of my stomach. Footsteps grow more vociferous as he saunters up the stairs. The door opens with a painful screech and he soon comes into view. Being as quiet as I can be I listen, the sound of his heart is beating at a steady pace. I continue to listen to his beating heart and focus with my energy and it starts to slow down. The rhythm begins to get more and more slothful. He holds his chest in agony and drops to his knees then it stops and he falls to the ground with a thud.
I come out from hiding to here the other hunters voice. “Luke! Is that you?” There is a brief moment of silence before I hear his foot steps come up the stairs. I stand there unsure of what to do then Magnus stands in the doorway in astonishment seeing lukes cold lifeless body on the floor. “You must pay for what you have done witch!” He rushed at me and with no time to think I push my palm into his chest. I felt the energy coursing through my body up my arm and leaving my fingertips sending Magmus flying into the wall with a painful snap. I walked up to his body.Listening to the thoughts in his head I hear nothing. Silence. He’s dead and I have to leave the town fast before the whole town comes for me.

Walking out into the town I see where the dead lifeless bodies lie on the cold crackled ground. I look around to make sure nobody is watching and I walk up to a dead body of a woman. Kneeling down I put my hand on her forehead and focus, I feel my some of my life go into her her body. Slowly as I watch I see the color return to her face and she opens her eyes with a huge gasp. She looks around looking perplexed and I tell her to run as far away from here as possible and she darts off towards the woods. I have to leave now before something bad happens. I start towards the field leading out of town when I hear my name called. "Sara! You are to be put to death, I saw you bring that girl back to life, you, you're a witch aren't you?" "Yes!" The words still lingering in the air before I fully realize what I've just done. He snatches me by my wrist and pulls me towards the church. When the doors open to the church all of a sudden all eyes are on me. I panic and struggle to try to get free but the man comes across my head with a brick.

Opening my eyes and everything is blurry. I soon find out I am tied to a steak and looking around me was a big crowd waiting for me to be burned to death. What is wrong with these people?? In the distance a short fair haired woman walks towards the crowd with a torch. As she walks closer the crowd separates allowing her to pass. The crowd is chanting in favor of my death sentence. She throws the torch and the ground around me is engulfed in flames. I fell the the sweltering heat as the fire nears my feet. Instead of letting panic take control I slow my breathing and concentrate. Everything seems to be going in slow motion now, even the voices of the crowd. I look down at the fire and push it away from me and the circle of flames around me and moves further and further outward creating a bigger ring of fire branded into the ground. The crowd jumps back in bewilderment and I break free of the ropes. Landing on dusty dirt. I quickly find my footing and look around. The thoughts in everybody's head was to kill me. I need to escape no matter what I have to do. With a single lift of a finger the enclosure if flames expand further until I hear the panic as the people of the town catch fire. Watching them suffer feels good as they came here to watch me suffer. When I walk through the flames it is cool to the touch. Soon the whole town comes down in flames leaving behind the ashes of the people who once lived here. It’s true, ‘its all true. What I foresaw is now the cold hard reality. But these are no innocent people, they're monsters. It is time for this town to be burned down and be reborn in the ashes innocence and purity.
This is my story of survival. How far would you go to protect your kind?

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