A Party To remember | Teen Ink

A Party To remember

September 2, 2015
By Anonymous

As I approached the party I could hear the blasting music all the way
from the street. When I reached the back of the house to enter I could
distinguish the song that was playing; it was “It's good to be King” by Tom
Petty. After waiting in a line to enter I was finally in the loud, crowded
house. Upon my arrival the host of the party informed me that there were no
cups left, and that I would have to look for one. So I handed him my money as
I was shoved into the next room by other arriving guest, eager to enter. Every
person there was present for their own personal reasons. Whether these reason
be social or simply for entertainment no one could tell. The only thing we all
had in common was our goal to consume alcohol.

     As soon as I walked in the room I immediately could see and smell the
smoke that was lingering in the air around the house. I was handed a cup by a
friend. Looking into it to see if it had been used, we both shrugged and turned
towards the basement. As I pushed my way through the crowd to look for the
keg I immediately knew it was in the corner because of the crowd surrounding it.
Once I reached the keg, I found myself waiting once again for my beer. The
person who was filling up the cups was not filling them first come first serve.
He would fill the cups of his friends first, then the girls, and then if he had
to fill up his own cup he would. While doing this he was talking his friend
whose job it was to pump the keg when needed. People were sticking their cups
in front of the tap as if they were fighting for food, and they hadn't eaten for
days. There must of have been twenty people all forcing their cups in the
general area of the tap. Once I had my beverage, I decided to go visit the
rooms to see what kind of alcohol was being served. This party was an “around
the world party” which meant that every room had a different theme and
appropriate drinks to the theme could be found there. My first stop was Jamaica.
When I entered the room the first thing I saw was this guy dressed up like a
native Jamaican, appropriate to the theme of the room. He had on a bright tie-
dyed shirt with a dread locked wig. On his head was a woven beret with green,
yellow, and red stripes around it. Bob Marley was playing to portray the
Jamaica spirit. As I waited in another line I noticed the girls in front of me
were celebrating a birthday. After their shots were poured, they toasted their
friend and drank their shots. Once they were done with their shots it was
obvious that none of them enjoyed it because of their facial expressions. Their
expressions were ones similar to a young child who had just drank medicine
forced down his throat by his mother. After I had my shot I thought I would go
and visit the other places that this party had to offer.

     After leaving the room I walked down the hallway and saw this sign that
said "The Wild West." The bartender was wearing a ten gallon hat, blue denim
button down shirt, and a red bandanna wrapped around his neck. The drink he
had to offer was Wild Turkey mixed with orange juice. I decided to try the wild
turkey, and after I drank it, I found that it tasted like a Tootsie Roll. After
sampling my drink I went up stairs. On my way up the stairs I had to walk side
ways making sure not to bump into the traffic that was going down the stairs. I
made a right turn to Russia. The bartender was not in costume nor was there any
music playing. The drink that was being served was vodka with a lemon slice
dipped in sugar. The only indication that I had that I was in Russia was a sign
above the door that spelled Russia in yellow letters. I was not impressed by
this setup so I decided to go visit other places of the world. I proceeded to
walk down the hall and I ended up in Compton. This bartender was dressed up
like a gangster. He was wearing a blue and white flannel shirt that only had
the top button buttoned, a black bandanna with a backwards black hat over top of
it, and a pair of oversized jeans. The beverage that was served here was gin
and juice, and the song that was playing was "Sipping on Gin and Juice".
      I then made a right turn walked up another flight of stairs and found
myself in New Orleans. There were Mardi Gras beads hanging on the walls, others
were worn by the guests. The drink that was served was some peculiar red drink.
I decide to try one out. The bartender that was not dressed up for his
surroundings dispensed my drink from a spring water dispenser and handed me my
shot. After consuming my drink I was a little skeptical about how much alcohol
was actually in it, because it tasted like fruit punch that had not been spiked.

     After visiting the different rooms I went downstairs in the kitchen to
rest and socialize. Some time has passed by and people were now beginning to
become more sociable. As I sat on the counter top I noticed that there was a
bathroom and there was a line of girls anxiously waiting to get in. While they
were waiting one of them was talking about how she dislikes men, and how men
acted toward women. Everyone was talking to each other openly, and it was
obvious that people were becoming intoxicated. Shortly after I observed this I
noticed a guy who seemed to be angry. He looked like he wanted to kill someone.
He picked up a bottle and smashed it against the wall with fury. Shortly after
that, the bartender that was in Compton approached him and told him to calm down
or he would be escorted out. When I was leaving the party it was virtually
empty. There were only about thirty people left in the house. These people
were really drunk, and in need to go home and sober up. One particular girl
tried striking up a conversation. However, she was unable to fully complete her
sentences. The amusing thing is that she needed the help of her friends to stand
up straight. She had no idea what she was talking about. It was like talking
to a toddler who had just learned how to speak. The only thing comprehend able
was that she wanted to drink more, and keep on partying.
       Everyone who was at the party was there to drink. For some reason
college students tend to drink a lot. Some might want to escape reality, others
might just like to get drunk. Everyone's goal was to escape from reality for a
short time; whether or not it was accomplished was up to the individual.

The author's comments:

This is my experience about my party that I'll never forget.

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