Nazi Zombies: Shi No Numa | Teen Ink

Nazi Zombies: Shi No Numa

August 28, 2013
By Anonymous

Dempsey grasped his new weapon from the glowing box and raised it over his head “Wonder Waffle!” He yelled grinning from ear to ear. Richtofen went green with envy “So vhat! And its pronounced VunderVaffe” He said crossing his arm “VunderVaffa?” Dempsey asked mockingly and lowering the gun. “Oh HA HA you know I should have fed you to ze freaks long ago!” Richtofen replied, rage coursing through his veins now. “Is that a threat you stupid Kraut?” Dempsey said leaning in closer gritting his teeth and smirking he had been dreaming of beating the doctor ever since he got stuck with him. Takeo who had been standing idly by suddenly forced his way in-between them breaking them from each other’s deathly gaze “You are both acting like incompetent children!” Takeo yelled making everyone in the room go silent. Even Nikolai who had been singing a drunken show tune over on the top bunk of a bed, Went silent but eventually went back to his singing. Dempsey had walked off to a window and peered out sighing “‘Bout time for more freak bags to show up” He said hearing a deep, guttural scream in the distance.
Richtofen had thrown the mystery box open and waited for a prize hoping for something worth keeping “Come on come on…” He hoped as the loop stopped and landed on a monkey bomb “Good enough” He said shrugging and snatching it out of the box before clipping its pack to his belt and turning to raise his Kar98k as a single zombie threw itself into a window. He quickly blew off its head making blood spew in all different directions a little of it covering his face “Ze blood, ZE BEAUTIFUL BLOOD!!!” He screamed as he went into full psycho mode his eyes darting around like fish in a bowl looking for something else to maim. Takeo had been chopping away at the few zombies that had been lucky enough to get through, Nikolai had fallen asleep on the top bunk his hand over the edge gently holding the half empty…or half full bottle of Vodka slowly losing his grip on it the only thing audible from him other than his constant snoring was the occasional “Stay…Away…From my…Vodka” That he mumbled.
Dempsey raised his new toy to his shoulder as he took a deep breath and yelled above the intense crowd “Eat this you ugly maggot pies!” Before letting loose a bolt of electricity from the barrel of the weapon making every last freak within the line he had made grab they’re shining blue heads in pain before dropping dead “That…Was…AWESOME!” Dempsey said pumping his fist in the air triumphantly grinning from ear to ear yet again. Richtofen had been conversing with the monkey bomb when a zombie so rudely interrupted by swatting the makeshift weapon from his hands “Vell zat vas uncalled for” He said angrily before grabbing the creatures throat tighter and tighter forcing blood to flood around his hand the creature had been trying to claw and bite at him but slowly began to become weaker and weaker before finally going limp in Richtofen’s crimson black hand. “Now vhere vas I” He said turning back to his new friend just as he heard a loud “Aw c’mon I was on a roll!” Come from whom else but Dempsey who had fallen down with a zombie reaching and biting at his neck. The doctor sighed and picked up the toy “Vell I suppose it’s time for you to go to work” He shrugged as he began twisting the key around and around and fixing the toy’s hat before letting it fly. The zombie that had been on Dempsey suddenly stopped and turned its head to the side, Dempsey took that moment to stab the thing right in the head “Noone touches Tank Dempsey” He said through gritted teeth and pushing the figure off of him. All the zombies in earshot stopped what they were doing and turned toward the sound of clanging symbols and shambling to it. Soon enough there was a whole crowd of at least 50 zombies gathered around the small deathtrap “Bye bye!” It said suddenly stopping its constant clanging and letting out one last “Whoo!” before exploding sending shrapnel and freak bits everywhere some of it covered the walls some of it covered the ceiling but for whatever reason most of it ended up on the four men in the room. The slumbering Nicholai woke up in a snap dropping his Vodka which made him even angrier “That was perfectly good Vodka!” He said snapping up not caring about the fact he was covered in guts anymore. “Yeah poor Nicholai” Dempsey chimed in before sitting on a cot and rubbing the blood from his vision “At least we caught a break” He said smiling and leaning back against the hard bamboo wall.
He then leaned up to look around the room they needed to get out of here, soon. “So any ideas of how to get out of here” Dempsey asked no one in particular Richtofen was about to say something but then stopped abruptly. Takeo though had worked on this base briefly and knew one way out “The zipline” Dempsey was taken aback that was the first thing Takeo had ever said that didn’t involve the word Honor. “The zipline?” Dempsey asked shooting up from his spot on the cot. “Yes a zipline that connects this facility to an old train station, I do believe the power still runs there” He said nodding and rubbing his chin the door to the zipline was open but there was a problem. The power was off “How do we get to the switch?” Nikolai asked rubbing his pounding head “I need more Vodka” He added hopping down from the bunk, wavering slightly but regaining his balance after a few steps.
“Shut up Nikolai” Dempsey said pacing, thinking of a way to get to the power switch while surviving the horde of zombies bound to be waiting for them. “I have it” Richtofen said smiling, the plan was simple sounding all four of them walk in a diamond formation to the switch only stopping either to cover a reloading ally or to drop a betty which they would be placing like bread crumbs along they’re path to cover them on the way back. Dempsey sighed as they walked they hadn’t seen a single freak that was never a good sign. “Where is everybody?” He asked impatiently they had trusted NIcholai with the bettys which Dempsey knew was a very bad idea but they need straight shooters to cover they’re path. As soon as they reached the generstor room they knew something was up, Richtofen slowly flipped up the power lever watching behind him the whole time. As soon as he hit it a thick fog settled all around them as a deep demonic voice rang out seemingly from the air “Fetch me they’re souls!” It said ending in a dark laugh. “This cannot be good” Dempsey said raising up his Wonderwaffe in preparation for whatever lay ahead of them.
That was when a flaming, dog ran up to Takeo and bit down on his forearm “Gah!” Takeo screamed out as he got a closer look at the creature, it was a decayed German Shepherd with pure white eyes and was on fire which made the bite hurt even worse with the added flames. Richtofen tackled the creature and began repeatedly stabbing it over and over again. “You vill die!!! “ He screamed as the creature finally exploded which sent Richtofen and Takeo flyingin midair. “Alright the powers on which means we can go now!” Dempsey said grabbing up the doctor and dragging him after him Takeo followed suit with the drunken Nicholai stopping occasionally to check on his wound which he had wrapped with a bandage a while ago. Four more dogs had blocked they’re path as they ran to the zipline luckily the Bettys had handled them they all had to admit the doc was pretty smart sometimes. As soon as they reached the zip line Richtofen had to perform a few fixes but it ultimately worked before they left though Dempsey picked up a ammo box whixh had dropped down from inside the last dog they killed. As the cart rolled on Dempsey spoke up “Where does the train lead to?” He asked Takeo without really looking at him. “Beats me” He said simply “How do you not know” Dempsey asked angrily “ I zink I have an Idea” The doctor said ominously. Dempsey didn’t like that but rolled with it anyway Nikolai had fallen against the side of the cart and soon passed out “We’re probably gonna have to carry him” Dempsey said sadly “I’m not getting ze back” Richtofen said grabbing Niko by the shoulders when the line ended at a stopped train. “Seems almost too easy” Dempsey said grabbing one of Niko’s legs while Tak grabbed the other “It is never easy Dempsey this is just the calm before the storm” Tak said placing Niko down roughly on the train engine the others piled onto the small space Dempsey taking a seat in the corner area while the doctor and Takeo figured out how to get it started the train rode smoothly though occasionally slowing down as it hit a rusted spot in the wheels. “Too easy” Dempsey said looking down remembering Tak’s words “The calm before the storm” He repeated finally before drifting off to sleep.

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