Jack and Tiger | Teen Ink

Jack and Tiger

June 1, 2014
By mmaaddddiiee BRONZE, O&#39fallon, Missouri
mmaaddddiiee BRONZE, O&#39fallon, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the sun set and the humans went upstairs to bed, Jack and Tiger were bored and wanted to have some fun.
“Yo, Tiger! Wanna mess some things up?” Jack yelled.
“Sure, Jackie! Let’s do it!” Tiger yelled back.
“Remember that time the humans forgot to feed us?”
“Yah. That was like two years ago, though. Not much we can do about it now.”
“Well, let’s get revenge!”
“Okay! Can we take a nap first?”
“No! This is why you are over 30 pounds!”
“Alright Alright Alright… Hey! How'd you get on the counter so fast?”
“No time for questions!”
Jackie looks around the room, ready to cause some trouble. He sees the paper towels sitting on the edge of the counter and gives them a slight tap. They come crashing to the ground.
“There! That will show ‘em!"
"O.M.G Jack, don't do anything too crazy, please."
"Tiger! Chill and go with the flow! Now, let’s do something a little more devious."
"let’s go drink out of the toilet! The humans hate that!"
"You’re right!"
"Jackie, this water taste amazing!"
"Tiger, this water is the best, but watch out, don't fall in!"
"Too late... I think I’m stuck."
"Ughhh, Tiger... this happens way too often."
"Yah, it’s becoming a problem. Hey Jack, this is random but… do you ever wonder why we can never catch that red dot?"
"No. Never. Okay I'm bored. Tiger, get out of the water and follow me."
"You got it, Captain Jack."
"Hungry. Must get food before the humans get up."
"It looks like they didn't cover up the turtle cage again. He would make a good snack."
"NO I would never eat Jerome!"
"Totally! I wouldn't either, I was just testing to see if you would."
"Right, ‘cause I believe that."
"Crap Jack! I see the sun! The humans are gonna come down soon! They are going to see all the trouble we caused! I can't handle all of this! They are going to be so mad!”
"Act natural tiger, be adorable, and if all else fails… blame it on the turtle."

The author's comments:
hello! Im maddie!

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