A Leaf | Teen Ink

A Leaf

January 31, 2014
By -Yin- SILVER, Falls Church, Virginia
-Yin- SILVER, Falls Church, Virginia
8 articles 5 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
life goes on, with you or without you.

Green. Green tinged with the slightest golden halo around the edges. Illuminated by the gentle golden light coming, descending, from the heavens. A halo. On the tip, a single raindrop. A single tear. A single tear from a single leaf, a single tree. A single life on a single planet, a single world. It drips. Her eyes, emerald eyes. Emerald eyes follow the tear. The single tear that might as well, be her own. Brown, brown was all around her, everything smelled of it. Pine needles, soft, a pillow. Crunch, brown. A gentle brown smell, brown, and sunlight. Flowing, like water, surrounding her, drowning her in serenity. Breathe, cold, like ice. Tickling her teeth, tongue, nose, swirling around her. Like fairy dust. Silence. It was still, even the wind. Broken by a single thing, broken, by a single sob. A single sob that was so loud, the mirror shattered. The cool piece of glass that looked like water, felt like silk. The reflection of what you want to see. What you want to be. The mirror that circled around her. The one, no one saw through. The one that was shattered by her sob. Two tears, racing. One, down a green roadway, to fall to its death. Eventually, it would nourish the tree. Giving life to its captor. The second, racing down a pale roadway, like a road covered in snow. Nourishing harbored feelings of remorse, of guilt, of sadness. More brown, falling in her emerald eyes, whipped away by gentle currents of wind, of silence. Cascading, like water on a cliff, down. Down her back in flowing waves, sheltering her. Keeping her warm. Muffling her screams, screams held in her small body. Her tiny, beating heart. Her rabbit foot heart, running with the wind, keeping pace with the wildness of her dreams. Wildness that will break her chains. Chains, made of sunlight, keeping her prisoner with the trees.

The author's comments:
I write from my heart, and am here to say, "you are NOT alone".

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 5 2014 at 8:53 pm
AngelaWithDevilHornsandHalo, Nowhere, New York
0 articles 0 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
Your best friend and worst enemy are both in this room right now. It's not your neighbor right or left - and it's not God or the devil - it's you.
Edwin Louis Cole

This is really good. Very good indead.  I can feel the emotions that you put in it. So many to name. Just let me know if you ever want to talk.