Revelation | Teen Ink


January 15, 2014
By seth0486 BRONZE, Murphy, North Carolina
seth0486 BRONZE, Murphy, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I stand staring into what appears to be the Earth in its purest form, a twisted, ill, violent, gluttonous world. And as the chaos unfolds, flowing with rich madness, I stand on the court of Heaven, standing here, knowingly, watching as the truth of my reality, the revelation.

As I see the angels conjugating, conversing, debating the righteous and the wicked, seeing if I am pure enough to pass through the gate. As they continue to view and judge me, I stand in awe of this gate, stainless, scratch less, looking as though it’s as holy as God himself. Blinding me with its brilliance, it’s silent beauty leaves me speechless. I want to touch it but as I begin to move, I see others, confused, countless to the end of the horizon. Some are important figures never seen since I was a kid, a child new to the ways of the world. Some I despised, some I adored and dreamed of being.

But as I continue to look onward I see the condemned burnt in the most gruesome way, seeing them screaming through great pain, and agony, while others are being stricken by a divine light a beam of righteousness.

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