From Dark to Light | Teen Ink

From Dark to Light

January 14, 2014
By ManiB SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
ManiB SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I inhale to exhale all the bad things out onto this piece of un-inked paper. An expressionless face and pale cold hands grasp the pen. Thought by thought flow around to find the surface of my mind. I begin to short through the thoughts to find the right one. Waist deep in the ocean of lost thoughts.

What am I truly feeling? Is it nothing? My hand just brushes the paper and touches the page with granite lead. Placing words down as if it were a glass China tea set. So gracefully yet so precise. The page swirling with ink and words that can change a person.

Suddenly these words turn into nothing that makes sense, just words to a page.
Not one meaning comes from the words that were once significance. Maybe they can mean something to someone else. These words that I write bleed out of me as if I were cut deep and not cared for. The blood pours out of me onto a page that changes my thoughts and outlook on life. My words to me may be useless to another it may be a guide that helps you find your way.

A guide that assists someone to start their life over. To display to themselves that there is still hope. The light at the end of the tunnel still exist. The light that shines bright and pulls you from the abyss.

I guess you could say one man’s trash really is another man’s treasure. To relate to someone else’s writing and turn it into your own personal lesson. Is something worth writing about. Your experience and what encouraged you to pull out of your darkness.

To be able to seek help in the dark, and write yourself into the light. Having no where to go yet finding your way. Stuck in a shadow behind someone else but able to reach out and lead the way. Your only strong as your last performance, perform like it’s your moment in life. Give your all in every second in life, tomorrow is not granted.

What I’m getting at here is that being able to step out of the shadow and into the light. To be able to sand up and stand out. You don’t have to start out being in the front or being popular. What does it mean to be popular? Being known by many? Being talked about most? Or is it being stuck up? What do you become from being talked about, known, and being top dog?

I would rather be myself any day then be labeled as a snooty brat that gets everything they want. I would embrace ever second of my life the way I am. To be another be another girl that walks around with their nose in the air and their skirts short? No, that’s not me.

Why is there a need to be called “popular”? There’s no need to be popular if you are who you are. Why change a perfect work of art that was made? Every strand of hair on your hair is unique. Don’t change yourself to fit in a certain group or to please someone.

I’d rather be myself any day then be called “Popular.” Be who you are and be happy with yourself. Don’t let anyone change who you are. Look at yourself in the mirror and smile at what you have become. Sit there and think about how far you have come and yet you have so much more to accomplish. It doesn’t matter who likes or dislikes you it matters if you love yourself. Love the body your in and the life you live. You could be here one day and gone the next, so live every moment in life to the fullest and remember how you are beautiful in the skin your in. Take that extra step to pick up a pen and let your thoughts flow out of you like a river rushing down a stream.

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