The End | Teen Ink

The End

March 26, 2013
By SoulDancer BRONZE, Denver, CO, Colorado
SoulDancer BRONZE, Denver, CO, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Writing a book is like directing a play; you give the actors (in this case your characters) a script, and they'll create the story. All they need is a little push in the right direction."

The End

I stopped as I approached the large statues of snake ladies. When I was a child, those statues always scared me and prevented me to go any farther. However, I was no longer afraid. I had seen many horrific things since I was child, so no statue could scare me. Without any farther hesitation, I walked passed the statues and into the village they hid.

It wasn’t much of a village anymore. The small huts were now burnt to the ground, their ashes spread about the world, carried off by the winds. There were no plants growing in the blackened earth. Instead, large puddles of black mud were slowly sucking everything into the ground.

I saw skulls in the mud. Many were broken, and those that weren’t had spikes coming out of them. Next to the skulls were broken swords, spears, and other weapons. Their owners were long gone, lost in the senseless violence that plagued our world.

I heard the laughter of children who never had the chance to grow up and live their dreams and the chatter of hard working adults who threw their lives away to reach a goal that they never succeeded. I heard the screaming, the crying and the yelling as they were all slaughtered by greed and chaos. The sounds were carried on the wind that brought the foul smell of smoke.

I looked into the distance and saw flames devour another unlucky village. I knew that within hours, nothing would be left of the place or the people who once dwelled there.

I looked away and continued down my path. My side ached from where I had been hit by the sword earlier. I felt the warmth of the blood from my wound as it oozed onto my skin staining my shirt red.

I wanted this to end. The pain, the suffering, the death… I wanted all of it to end. I was tired with watching my friends and family die. I was sick and exhausted from the plague that had latched itself to me. I wanted everything to be over.

The sound of a screech jogged me from my thoughts. There in front of me, stood a girl covered from head to toe with blood. She was crouched and looking at me with a feral look on her face. Her yellow eyes glowed with hatred. She was one of the children who had been driven insane by the experiments that were conducted on them.

I slowly took out the golden sphere attached to the chain. I held tightly to the chain as I spun the sphere in large circled next to me. A low humming sound stirred the air. The hum grew until it was loud and high-pitched. I watched as the girl covered her ears and screeched. She bounded off and disappeared into the shadows.

I put the sphere back into my bag as I remembered the experiments that had been ran on me. The doctors had tried to create a wolf-human hybrid using me. They injected wolf DNA into my body, and they used chemicals to try to get me to have the sight, hearing, and smell of a wolf. However, nothing had worked.

I was able to escape the experiments, but the other kids weren’t so lucky. Just like that girl, many of them had become feral and inhuman. They became Monsters. The doctors considered it to be “inhumane” to kill the children when they became theses monsters, so they let the kids out into the world. Now it was these Monster-Kids who were killing everyone. It was because of these experiments why the world was in war.

I stopped walking as I saw the shadowy figure that stood in front of me. It was at least five stories high with no distinct features. It held out a shadowy hand towards me. I knew that it was a Creature sent to take me to Death. I wasn’t afraid. In fact, I was excited.

I could finally escape theses bonds that held me to this world. I could finally leave all the pain and suffering that I had endured for so long behind. I would be able to leave everything that had ever kept me here and move on.

With a smile on my face, I walked towards the Creature. I touched its hand with my own. “Take me,” I told it. I closed my eyes and never opened them again.

The author's comments:
A young girl has dealt with many horrific things in her life including being a human test subject for experiments and watching as her world was plunged into war. All she wants to do is escape from everything.

I was inspired by the pictures in Black Veil Brides' album Wretched and Divine. I was also slightly inspired by the twin experiments done by Josef Melgele during the Holocaust. I hated learning about the experiments, and I hope people will see how horrible they were through my writing.

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