Devil Man II (The Son) | Teen Ink

Devil Man II (The Son)

December 7, 2012
By KaitlinKM GOLD, Littleton, Colorado
KaitlinKM GOLD, Littleton, Colorado
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

"You thought it would be over that easily?" His sinister snicker echoed off the emptiness and his red eyes gleamed from somewhere deep in the abyss of darkness. "Are you ready to accept my present now?" The girl's hands fell open at her sides in defeat. "That's what I thought." A small white box tied with black ribbon appeared at her feet. "Open it." The girl pulled back the ribbon and took off the top of the box. Instantly a thick, inky red wretch began to seep out of every surface of the hemorrhaging box. It twisted and thrashed in crimson waves, then all was still. The mass had taken shape as the boy, her memory knew his every feature as if it were her own and her heart raced with the thrill of acknowledgment. "You remember my son, don't you." The devil man's smile sparkled in the distance. "He can be all yours." The boy wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close with a need that was a tinted reflection of her own. He whispered dangerous things in her ear and left burning trails where his touch caressed her skin. Her body longed to be meshed with his as needle sharp teeth left punctures in her soft flesh. A loud crash woke the girl from her trance and she looked up to see the boy's face begin to crack and splinter. She touched it ever so gently ignoring the pain as pieces stuck her palm. "Wake up." A screamed whisper shook the dark and shot the girl back to life, she opened her eyes.

The author's comments:
Second part of Devil Man (the original piece.

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