The Fire Alarm | Teen Ink

The Fire Alarm

September 5, 2023
By SaraBara14 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
SaraBara14 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Fire Alarm 

    One early morning, Samantha and her friends were getting ready for School. They got in

their car and drove to school. Samantha and her friends meet at school. Samantha asked, “Do you guys want to get breakfast?”.

 “ Sure,” her friends said. They went to get breakfast and found a table.

 “Are we going to stay here until the bell rings or are we going to walk around”.  Samantha said. They decided to stay at the table.

 When the bell rang they went their separate ways to class, but they had their phones. One of Samantha's friends texted and said, “Do you guys want to skip the next period.” The rest of her friends said yes, but Samantha said she didn't want to because she wanted to focus on school and try to pass her classes. Her friends called her lame and that she was scared, so Samantha said “ Fine I will do it, only because you guys think I'm scared.” The bell rang and 2nd period came. They all met by the main stairs and walked around the school. When the late bell rang there were APs walking in the halls, so Samantha and her friends had to find a hiding space somewhere in the school. When the hallways were cleared they decided to play Truth or Dare. 

Samantha's friends went first. They got the easy ones like, like running in the hallway or screaming. But when it came to Samanthas they really wanted to make her do something. They asked her “ Truth or Dare.” She said “Dare”, They all looked at each other and looked at the fire alarm and smiled. They say “ Pull the fire alarm”. Samantha's face went long and she said “ I will not do that no way.” Her friends all said yes you have to, it's a dare, if you don't do it you can't sit with us at lunch.

Samantha said, “There won't be no lunch if I do that.” Her friends said DO IT. She said okay, and she pulled the fire alarm and the alarm went off and they ran. All the classes went outside they went outside and went with their classes. When the fire alarm was done they all went back inside. The firefighters talked to the principal and told him “The fire alarm was pulled there was no fire in the building.” The principal said, “ Really, I have to check the cameras, maybe students were playing around”. She walked to her office and looked at the cameras and saw Samantha and her friends playing in the hallway. She called them down to her office and sat them down to talk and find out the truth, even though she already knew who pulled it. Samantha confessed because she was scared and didn't want to make the situation worse, but her friends blamed it on her and denied doing anything. The principal sighed and said “ I know all of you did it so you can't deny it, all of you will have ISC for a week because of what you guys did. There could have been a real fire, but there wasn’t. That is something you guys do not play with, and you guys shouldn’t be skipping classes because Samantha you passing but you can't be doing this cause it will bring your grades down and your friends don't need to be skipping the need to be in class working because you guys need it.” Samantha said “ yes ma'am I understand and I apologize for what I did and won't do it again.” her friends laughed at her. The principal called their parents to come and pick them up and told them what happened. They were devastated and agreed with the punishments. 

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