Letter to a friend | Teen Ink

Letter to a friend

May 12, 2023
By AliahAlinsky BRONZE, New York, New York
AliahAlinsky BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's not fashionable to love me(HoneyMoon)
Lights, Camera, Accion(Put Me In A Movie)
I keep my lips red to seem like cherries in the spring(Black Beauty)
I've got nothing much to live for ever since I found my fame(God Knows I Tried)


I regret to inform you that you are bland. Day and night you do the same. So I have taken charge to help you with this issue. You will surely thank me. You, dear, should try going on a roller coaster in the dark. I’m sure it may seem sinister and devilish but I assure you that is not the case.


Earlier this year, as you know me and my family went to Disneyland. At Disneyland there is a ride Rise of the resistance. Me and my cousin, Lilibet, were in charge of plans while my mother and aunt looked at the characters(Distracted) around the park. We landed on this ride and explained it to our mothers. Completely, we told them the ride would be in the dark and according to the flier. Unforgettable. They agreed.  


The line was utterly long, exceedingly and it took us a while to actually get into the room before the ride and get our first look at the seats, the whole time my mother and aunt had been making fun of the ride. The walking. The sets. Stating that the flier was surely lying. It was ridicule at its finest. 

Naturally this all died down as soon as we got into the seats and were told, “Put your phones in the pockets.” My mother’s eyes turned grand and she packed her phone away. Nothing could have prepared her for the impact. It started slow and my mother remained calm. Unbothered. 

However as soon as the ride took off it was pure adrenaline. In contrast to rides, outside in the bright sun. All you could see was lights shining like stars in the night sky. You could only feel. There was no distraction. You were purely there. 

The experience was only enhanced by my mother’s wailing. My aunt’s plea to my cousin to hold on fast while Lilibet only laughed in complete bliss. I will not say that this was me, but there was someone on the ride that started to yell out, to the lord almighty and repent. Of course that was not me, but if it had been you surely would not judge once you've been through the ride. 

That is why I urge you to try it! Try this one new thing in your life and you will surely thank me. A ride in the dark is like no other. Remember that. 


For your consideration, 

                                        Your nagging friend.

The author's comments:

This piece is perfect, format for any friend who refuses to got out of their shell and be anything other than a plain jane. Lets face it were all worried for those friends and that is exactly why I wrote this. To motivate them no matter how much they'll hate me for it. 

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