Name Essay | Teen Ink

Name Essay

February 28, 2019
By SnowyTree SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
SnowyTree SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name might remind you of a famous football player, golfer, or even an adjective. It might even remind you of a white pillow full of feathers. When I think of my name, I think of a white, shaggy dog running through a field full of white, puffy dandelions. I think of a middle aged man with a sense of humor, who is still laid back. I think of a soft, smooth, and curvy stone that you can run your hands over with ease. I finally think of the number 22.

My name has been passed down from my grandpa, to my dad, and eventually to me. I plan on doing the same with my child someday. My name means a great deal to my family. To us, it means to put in hard work, to have dedication, and to strive to be the best person you can be while also having fun doing the things we love to do. My grandpa started a business from the little he had called The Marek Group. He died when I was only two years old. I didn't really get to know him. My dad had a great relationship with him. With his passing came plenty of sorrow. My dad was handed the family business when he was only 27 years old. He had to put in a tremendous amount of work. Yet he still powered through all of his adversities by putting in hard work, having dedication, and by improving himself as a family man.

People simply don’t know this truly amazing story behind our name. To them, the name is amusing at first. I don't blame them for a second. When first saying my name, it does sound comical. Growing up I was teased and picked on because of my name.

I was also laughed at simply because of my name. I quickly began to realize that this teasing would end after grade school as kids would be more mature. I was right. Now, everyone I meet either thinks my name is cool, or extremely unique. I believe it is too.

My name is Fuzzy Marek. I would not change my name for anything. I believe it is something special in my family that should be carried on for generations to come.

The author's comments:

This is an essay about the story behind my name. I wrote this for composition class. 

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