The legend | Teen Ink

The legend

January 23, 2019
By xXunbracedwolfXx BRONZE, Monmouth, Oregon
xXunbracedwolfXx BRONZE, Monmouth, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time, millions of years ago, when wolves walked in water and whales  slithered on land, humans had just begun to figure out what fire was. Humans lived on rafts and hunted down wolves in the water  instead of whales on land. As bald eagles swooped down and snatched up a wolves from under the water digging its talens into the wolves rid cage as they whimper  and slowly dies. Whales ate rabbits ,when the whales closed their mouths some rabbits where unlucky enough to get there heads chopped off like a guillotine. Very rarely some rabbits escape, but millions of years later the whales and wolves evolved.  whales grew fins, wolves grew sharp jagged.

But then whales skin started to dry, so they had to go  in the water to keep cool, and wolves grow fer but when it was heavy when it was wet so they had to go to land to dry off  and the wolves went to the land and eagles stopped hunting wolves now they hunted fish. Now the legend is over and that how the whales and wolves swapped lives for eternity.

The author's comments:

Its a free right my imagination led to

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