the adventure | Teen Ink

the adventure

December 19, 2016
By Anonymous

It was a nice day outside, it was sunny, and there were no clouds in the sky, but there were four friends who sat in the house, bored, with nothing to do. There were Hazel, Jake, Zach, and Belle. They sat quietly thinking of something to do; ‘we should go get something to eat, I’m hungry’ thought Belle; ‘I want to do something fun, or crazy’ thought Zach; Jake and Hazel were thinking the same thing, they want to go on an adventure. “I got an idea” Hazel blurted out “Why don’t we go on an adventure?”  Zach, Jake, and Belle thought about it for a minute.
“I’m in” said Jake and Zach at the same time, they laughed and high fived each other. The three sat there looking at Belle waiting for her answer. She thought about it for a couple minutes. ‘Well what if someone gets hurt, or what if we got lost’,  “Umm I don’t know if that’s a good idea” said Belle. “What if we get lost? Or someone gets hurt?” Hazel rolled her eyes, she hated when Belle does this. “Stop being so overdramatic and just go with us” Hazel and Belles relationship wasn’t that good and Belle being overdramatic wasn’t helping. “Well I don’t know what you want to do but the three of us are going with or without you,” Hazel said authoritatively. Zach and Jake sat there awkwardly; they didn’t want to put in the middle of their disagreement.
Jake changed the subject, “where are we going to go?” Hazel looked at him, and thought about it for a minute, “There is this abandoned building up the road, we can go there”. Jake and Zach thought that was an awesome idea, but Belle didn’t like it at all. Belle kept her opinion to herself, not wanting to start an argument. They decided to go in Hazel’s car, Belle was still reluctant on going, but she didn’t want to be by herself.
When they got there Jake, Zach, and Hazel thought it looked awesome, but Belle thought it looked scary. The building was a very vacant brick building with boarded off windows. Belle didn’t like the look of it “I don’t have a good feeling about this” Belle said, feeling the need to put in her input. Hazel rolled her eyes again, but didn’t say anything; she got out of the car and started walking towards the building. Zach and Jake jumped out of the car and caught up with Hazel, while Belle sat in the car for a minute. She got frightened when she didn’t see her three friends, so she jumped out of the car and ran inside to go find them. Belle heard a thump behind her and turned around to see the door had closed; she got more frightened and started to run. Belle luckily found her three friends in another room looking at something. “There you are I thought you got to scared and decided to stay in the car” Hazel said, and then laughed sarcastically.
They walked around for about an hour and half, making sure not to miss a room. “I’m hungry” complains Hazel, the other three agreed and they started to walk back to the entrance. When they get to the door Hazel tried to open it, but failed, “Something is wrong; it’s not opening” says Hazel. “Here, let me try” Jake said while pulling on the door, but it didn’t budge. “See I told you; I didn’t have a good feeling about this, and now we’re stuck in here” Belle said frantically, getting scared. Hazel was getting tired of Belle and her complaints, “Will you stop! We will find a way out of here”. They split up and tried to open every door or window they saw, but they all failed. ‘This is useless’ thought Hazel; we are never going to get out of here. They all met up by the door after looking around, “I have no idea of how to get out of here” Zach said, worriedly. The rest agreed and they sat down and thought of ideas.
They all shared ideas, and they tried them out as well, but all plans failed. Belle stood there for a moment and though about it. She gasped, which made Jake jump. “What? Why did you gasp like that?” questions Jake. “I thought of a good idea and hopefully it’ll work” Belle said excitedly. She doesn’t say anything else she just went to each of the rooms till she found the door she was looking for, the door to the basement. Belle may not like scary things but she is very observant. She opened the door and started to walk down the stairs, it was very dark, so she took her phone out which gave a little light. Belle walked around the basement until she saw a crack of light, she thought they were the cellar doors but she wasn’t quite sure, so she walked slowly to the light. When she was close enough to see, she was happy to know she was right. Belle stood there for a second hoping the doors would be open, she pushed slightly and was surprised to see it had opened. “Guys get in here, hurry” Belle yelled happily. They all ran in the room and got really happy “You found a way out, nice thinking Belle” said Hazel. They all ran to Hazel’s car and got in, “Let’s all agree to never do that again” said Belle. “I agree” said Hazel, “Me too” said Zach and Jake.


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