Oppression | Teen Ink


December 9, 2016
By AbraheemAbu-shanab BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
AbraheemAbu-shanab BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There once was a boy named Will. He was a white 15 year old with black hair and beautiful features. He had a mom named Jackie and a dad named Mark. However his father Mark wasn’t living with him and his mom because he was an immigrant. Mark lived in Amman Jordan. Will’s mom Jackie loved Mark so much that she decided they should go live with him. Will was very reluctant at first, but after a few days he came around. On May 15th 2015 Will and his mom left for Jordan. When they go there Mark was waiting for them in front of the airport. Mark to them to his house and his apartment was terrible. It was so dirty like it hasn't been cleaned in years. It stinked and there was garbage everywhere. Jackie was a clean freak. So she instantly began to clean the apartment. After one week of cleaning the room was finally clean. There was only one problem Mark and Jackie had no job. Jackie couldn't get a job because it's illegal for women to work in Jordan. Mark just didn’t want to work, he was too lazy. So he forced his 15 year old son Will to get a job to support the family. First he made Will work as a photographer, but made his quit because he wasn't making enough money. They Will worked as a cleaner, watch fixer, barber, cook, and a mechanic but none of those jobs were making enough money to support them. Mark then realized Will would never make enough money for them by working an honest job. So Mark took Will to some friends he had in the mafia for work. Will refused to work for them, but his mom told him to because of how blind the love she had for Mark made her. Will finally agreed to do it. When Mark took him to the mafia boss. Before the boss would hire Will, he told him to would have to prove himself first. He told Will he’d have to kill a man named Joe that was a snitch. They took Will to where they were hiding Joe and gave him a gun. But Will wouldn’t pull the trigger. So they brought Jackie and told Will if he doesn’t do it they’ll kill his mom. Will loved his mom more than anything. So he agreed and he pulled the trigger and killed Joe by shooting him in the head. After that they made Will a pimp. He would have to beat, rape, and turn women and little girls into prostitutes. After a year of doing that Will became a heartless shell of his former self. He would do anything he was told and he had no remorse for anything and anyone. Will’s mom wouldn't do anything about the abuse Will had to endure because she loved Mark too much and was blinded by love. One day the mafia boss called Will in and gave him a mission that if he completed he would be the new mafia boss. He had to go to a rival gang and kill 3 people. For some reason at that moment Will realized what he was turning into and that he was a monster. He went home and told his mom and then Jackie finally understood the magnitude of the situation. Also that her blind love for Mark was turned her into a fool. So Will and Jackie devised a plan to flee Jordan and go to Colorado on June 12th 2016. The plan was while Mark was out with friends drinking like normal they would leave. So when Mark left the house to go drinking like normal. Will and Jackie began to pack, but the problem was Mark came home early today and caught them packing. He then began to beat on Jackie. Will then quickly ran into the kitchen and got a knife and stabbed his own father in the side between his ribs and it pierced his heart. Will picked up Jackie and they both began to make their way to the airport. Then at 6:00 PM Will and Jackie left Amman Jordan and were finally free. Finally free from Mark and the mafia. But one thing they would never be free of was the memories of what they had to endure.

The author's comments:

It is very heart warming. 

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