FusionFall: Generation | Teen Ink

FusionFall: Generation

April 7, 2016
By Anonymous

It all started when a game called FusionFall was in develop and there where beta and alpha testers. When the game came out people were excited to play and thats when the story come. A new player had came to a server and its the old tutorial with you in the future trying to get back to the past. When he got back to the past their where tons of missions to level up and defeat lord fuse. he made it to level 6 and went to lord fuse throne but he wasnt alone he had a group of friends helping him out. once lord fuse was gone but its reseted he decided to  help out other players for fun. FusionFall was a great MMO but it was shut down but now theres FusionFall legacy and retro coming soon.

The author's comments:

FusionFall was an MMo but it was shut down.

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