The Big Trip | Teen Ink

The Big Trip

February 23, 2016
By GiudiRo05 BRONZE, Muskegon, Michigan
GiudiRo05 BRONZE, Muskegon, Michigan
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There was a group of friends that always hung out everyday. They never spent any time apart and never let anyone new into the group. The name of these guys were Matt, Mark, Mike, and Marvin.They were always trying to find new things that they could do together. They all lived in a rich town and never had to worry about anything. These guys lived to spend time together and do exciting trips.
Matt went to Marvin's house and said
“Guess what!” Marvin did not know what was going on so he said
Matt won a hunting trip for four up in Canada. Marvin did not know what to say after he heard about it. The two just had to figure out how to tell the other two about it because Mark and Mike were not really talking. They got in a fight after Mike bought a truck from Mark that was broke. It was a nice truck, but the motor was broke. The reason why Mike is so mad is because he sold his car to be able to buy the truck, so now his mom has to drive him everywhere he wants to go in her nice blue mini-van. It was the ugliest blue car that anyone has ever seen. Matt and Marvin then said that they both had to go and would meet up later with the others at the park to tell them about the trip.
It was getting late and Matt, Marvin, and Mark were sitting up there waiting for Mike to show up. Then all of a sudden they heard a dixie horn and saw the the blue mini-van pull up. It was a good thing that he showed up because they only had an hour left till sunset and Mark does not like the dark. He always felt like something was following him in the dark. Matt finally decided to tell the other two about what he won after he made them sit there and try guessing it. They did not know what to say when they found out about the trip. Mark, first question was
“Do we have to walk through the woods in the dark?”
Matt said that they might have to, but was not sure about it. They all were happy about it and wanted to ask more questions about it but, it was time to go home.
It was the day before the trip. They have already went to the store to get most of their supplies and they were meeting at Marvin’s house. They got there and they were doing a double check on their supplies. Then Mark realised something that is important for the trip was missing. None of them had a gun. They had to go up to the sporting goods store by their house to get a gun. Marvin, Mark, and Mike were all getting a gun with a high powered scope for far range. They went to check out and realised that Matt was not with them and he did not pick out a gun. They heard a loud smack come from over by the bows. They had a shooting range inside the store and Matt was trying to shoot a bow. He was really accurate with the bow, so that is what he got. The last thing they had to get was a case for the three guns and one bow. They now just had to make sure that they got on the plane.
It was 7 in the morning and Matt alarm was going off but, he was not waking up. All of the supplies were in his car. The other three were outside in Matt’s front yard waiting for him.
“Mark do you think we are going to be late for the plane?”
“No, he will get up Mike.”
They were starting to get scared but they found the spare key under the mat and they got in. Mat was all dressed but sitting on the couch. They got in the car and went to the airport. They were finally leaving.
They finally landed in Canada. When they got there, they went on a little detour before they went to the cabin. They wanted to go look at the land before they went so they knew what it looked like. Along with that they wanted to go to one of the local restaurants and see what the food was like. It was getting late and the sun was setting so they finally decided to make their way to the cabin to head off to bed. On their way to the cabin they saw something big run across the road and only Mark was really concerned. The others just thought it was some kind of animal.
When they arrived at the cabin there was a man sitting outside of it. It was the owner of the cabin and he was the one running the hunting trip. He showed them all of the different mounts that were on the wall and pictures of others that people took home with them. Matt asked the others if they wanted to make a bet on the hunt. The others asked what it was and he told them whoever shoots the biggest deer the others have to pay for it to get mounted. They all agreed on this deal and went and unloaded the car. Mark could have sworn that he saw the creature by their car when they first walked out there but Matt said it was just his imagination playing tricks on him. Mark did not say any more about it the rest of the night. He thought it was better to just let it go and not worry. He is already scared of the dark, so he does not need to be scared of anything else.
It was the next morning and they had their alarm go off at 5:30 am on the dot. They did not know how hard it was going to be to get up that early. Mark had to go to the bathroom but the only restroom they had there was an out house about 20 yards from the cabin. It was not a bad out house, it was connected to the sewer. On his way back in he saw something move in the darkness. At first he thought it was Mike playing a trick on him but he never heard the door open for someone to come outside. He then saw the shadow take off fast into the woods, so he figured he should run inside fast before it came back. When he got inside every one was getting dressed to head out. Mark’s heart was still beating really fast, but he knew he should get ready.
They finally went outside and had their guns and bow loaded. The old man took them to their spots where they would be sitting for the day. The way it was going to work was there were four of them and four different spots, so they would sit in a different spot every day. There were three tree stands and one blind and the lucky one with the blind for the first day was Mark. Mark already hated the dark and now sitting on the ground he hated it more. When he first got in the blind he kept hearing a bunch of noise from behind the blind, but he was trying to ignore it. When the sun finally came up, about five feet in front of the blind he saw a big foot print. Then a herd of deer came out of the woods into the field right in front of him. This took his mind away from the big foot print. The deer were there for a good hour but nothing was nice enough to shoot, so he let them all live for another day.
It was finally time to go back to the cabin. They sat all day and it was starting to get dark out. They had to stay in their spots and wait for the old man to come pick them up. Mark was already on edge because he hates the dark. He got a text from the other three and they got deer. He could not figure out why he was the only one who did not get one. He thought he would of gotten something because he kept hearing sticks break behind him. He started to see someone moving in the dark so he thought it was one of his friend’s coming to get him. So he started to get his gear together and head out of his blind. He got out and bumped into something big and hairy. He was scared to turn around and he felt a big hot breath go down his back. He took off running. It made a huge growly and started to follow him. He could feel his body to start to shake. He got about 30 yards away and turned and fired his gun. He did not know if he hit the creature, then all of a sudden he felt a heavy slam on the ground. He then could hear the truck so he followed the sound. When he got to the truck he made them drive over to where he shot the creature at. Come to find out it was bigfoot. They could not believe it. They did not know what to do. The old man was ready to go back so he told them to just put it in the truck. This was the weirdest group of animals in the back of the truck they have ever saw. It was three deer and one bigfoot.
They got back to the cabin and they talked all night about the experiences they had. Mark the guy that is afraid of everything had the craziest story. They brought the animals they shot to the taxidermist and had three head mounts done and one full body mount. They all chipped in on Mark’s mount. This was the best experience they have ever had.

The author's comments:

I got the idea from how I like to go camping and hunting.

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