The Swamp Gator's Revenge | Teen Ink

The Swamp Gator's Revenge

January 4, 2016
By SoccerKing BRONZE, Kalamazoo, Michigan
SoccerKing BRONZE, Kalamazoo, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 Down in bayous of Kentucky there was a guy named Paul who lived near the woods, deep in a gator infested swamp. He had lived there for over a decade and was very aware of the dangerous wildlife in that area. Paul had seen gators regularly around the swamp. The sizes of the gators that he saw were varied from one foot, all the way up to fifteen feet. Paul felt so comfortable with the gators; he had even been bold enough to try to feed them in the past.
       One day Paul decided to take a walk in the swamp; as he was walking, he saw a large sized gator on the path he was walking. As he was walking closer to the gator Paul started to see that the gator was enormous! It had a tail longer than Paul was tall, teeth that looked as though they could crush through bone with ease and his whole body was longer than a car! Even though the gator was massive in size, Paul was not intimidated as he had seen some gators similar in size. The gator also seemed fairly docile. Paul had lived in the swamp for some time. He felt he knew a lot about gators and so he felt this was a gator he could try to feed even though it was wild. He got within a safe distance of the gator hoping to feed it. The gator lunged forward with his powerful jaws open missing the food completely and instead his jaws clenched closed on Paul’s foot. Paul was frozen in disbelief. He was overwhelmed by the reality of a gator clamped down on his foot! All of a sudden out of the swamp came a dog! The scruffy looking dog barked, which distracted the enormous gator, giving Paul just enough time to open the powerful jaws to pull his foot out of the gator’s mouth and scramble out of the way. The giant gator then lumbered back to the water. He swiftly swam away using his thick, humongous tail like a propeller out of Paul’s sight.

     Paul was very grateful for the brave dog’s help so he called the dog over, wanting to show his appreciation. The scruffy dog, looking as though he hadn’t had a bath in his whole life, cautiously walked over, cowering as he came, unsure of Paul’s intentions. Paul patted the scruffy looking dog’s head; he looked like he had no place to call home so Paul decided to take him home. When they got home, Paul wrapped his foot. Although the gator had clamped down hard and with amazingly strong force onto Paul’s foot, the wound was thankfully not too bad. Paul was able to easily wrap it. Then gave the dog a bath because the dirt seemed to be caked in each wiry looking strand of the dog’s hair. He also smelled as if the stagnant swamp swallowed him and had just spit him out. Paul then made dinner for the dog and himself. The dog ravenously ate the food waging his tall as if saying thank you to Paul. As he was feeding the dog he thought the dog needed a name. Paul decided to name him Lucky as he felt it was luck that had brought the dog to the swamp. Tired from their day, they sleepily headed to bed and fell asleep.
      A few days later, Paul and his dog Lucky took a walk down the same path he had found Lucky a few days ago. As they were walking, the same massive gator that Paul had run into before, jumped from out of the swamp and grabbed Lucky by the leg. Paul had his large, double sided, knife with him this time, so he quickly grabbed his large, double sided, knife and jabbed it into the neck of the gator 3 or 4 times, killing him. Paul opened the gator’s enormous jaws and pulled out Lucky’s injured foot. He carried Lucky home; he placed medicine on Lucky’s foot and bandaged it. With the massive gator dead, Paul and Lucky felt a little safer as they lived their life joyfully from then on.

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