Secrets. | Teen Ink


December 7, 2015
By Mya(: BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
Mya(: BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I just woke up.  Still utterly confused about what is going on.  All I can remember is that every time someone finds out I’m awake, I end up right back asleep.  My eyes flicked open to take a quick peek.  I was in a room, mostly blue.  I slammed my eyes shut when I heard voices.  I don’t see anyone? I thought. Suddenly, there was a loud piercing noise to my ears; I slapped my hand to my ears. Then it stopped, and a hole in the wall appeared. The hole had a light as bright as the sun that shined through the door, bright enough you could clearly see the dust particles in the air.  I squinted to see, but I couldn’t. 


“We knew you weren’t sleeping, kid.  Get up,” someone said.


He came over and yanked me off the cold hard floor.  I fought back, but whoever it was, they were bigger and stronger than I was, and before I knew it, I was sleeping once again.


I opened my eyes, thinking maybe it was all just a dream.  I cleared my sleepy eyes and groaned loudly. I rolled off the bed, but fell right onto the ground. Whatever they are giving me to make me sleep, also makes me weaker every time I wake up again, I thought. I pulled myself up off the floor and sat back on the bed, knowing it would only be a few minutes until they came into the room. 


I started to look around room.  There was not a way to get out, it was walls, all blue walls, and the only way to get out is to find this magical door they keep going in and out of.  There was a small TV, looking thing, but it wasn’t a TV.


            As I started to wake up more and more, I felt a pain in my arm.  I looked down at the place the pain was coming from, and I realized that I had an IV in.  I immediately started to panic.   I ripped the needle and tube out of my arm, and that’s when the TV looking thing turned on.  It’s not a TV.  It’s a monitor of some kind.   It has lines like a heart monitor, but it’s not a heart monitor.  What is it? I thought.  I looked at my arm once again, to see it bleeding because of the needle I just took out of my arm. I went to grab my shirt to wipe the blood, but that’s when I realized I wasn’t in my own clothes anymore.


            “What the heck?” I said out loud.


            I was in a blue suit thing. I wiped my arm against the fabric of my clothes.  I looked down at my clothes once again, then I realized that I still had my boots on, I wiggled my toes and moved my ankle in my boot, I smiled and even chuckled a little bit,


            “Idiots,” I said. 


            “What was that?”   Someone said.


            I jumped probably three feet in the air, startled, I looked up and there was a person, again.  When did they get in here?  I thought. 


            “Oh, Nothing.”  I can’t let them take my shoes, I thought. 


            “All righty then? “ Someone said.


            I looked at the person that was in the room, trying to figure out whether it was a male or a female, but I couldn’t tell. Not even by the voice, they altered their voice. He or she stepped towards me and I jumped off of the bed in a about two seconds and said,


            “I don’t know what you want, who you are, or what you’re trying to do, but you need to take a couple steps back.”


            “I was just trying to give you a band aid.  Your arm, it’s bleeding.”


            “Oh yeah, hah.”


            Whoever it was put their hands up and stepped towards me again, I calmly sat back down on the bed and they unwrapped the band aid, but still hesitant on whether they should put it on or not.


            “Do you want to put it on?” Someone said.


            I looked down at my arm and said,


            “uhm, no thanks, you can,” I said.


            “All right,” he or she said as he put the band aid on.


            They stepped back and another person appeared in the room,


            “What do you think you are doing with her, AJ?”  Another voice said, concerned.


            “Just giving her a band aid? She was getting blood everywhere, MJ!” AJ said. 


            “I don’t care, AJ! Let her bleed out.  That way we don’t have to kill her, when the time comes!”  MJ said.


            During their conversations, they never realized that I wasn’t sitting on the bed anymore, I stood right next to the door.  As they continued to yell at one another, I slipped out of the room, only to find three other people standing outside of my door guarding it. 


            “Where do you think you’re going?”


            As one of them tried to punch me, I ducked and reached down into my boots and took out my knife, seeing they were not armed, it shouldn’t be hard to get away.  I don’t plan on hurting anyone, but I will if I have too, I thought.  I got back up from the ground and we started to fight. I knocked the one guy that tried to punch me, down to the ground.  After he fell, I got a good left hook to the face by the other one.  I fell to the ground, and I could feel something warm run down my face, I brought my hand to my face, only to feel a slimy substance running down my face, I was bleeding. 


            “That wasn’t very nice now was it?” I said, angrily. 


I got up and threw a punch straight to one of their stomachs, as they bent down to my height doubled over in pain, I laughed. I brought my knee up to their face and let them fall to the ground, their body went limp. One down, two to go, I said in my head. The other two charged at me, I jumped out of the way and watched them run right into one another, I chuckled out loud at them as I ran past them down the hallway.  One of them got up, and the other laid there, motionless, just like the guy I had already knocked out.


            I turned a corner and stopped abruptly, listening for the footsteps that were right on my track two seconds ago, but nothing. The only thing that was heard was my heavy breathing.  As my adrenaline started to come back down, I could feel the pain from being hit from the first guy.  Darn it! I should have seen who hit me!  I thought.  I quickly snapped out of my thoughts because of the bright flashing and loud alarm going off above my head. I’m trained for this, I can’t let them find out, get out of here!  My mind was scrambling with thoughts about how I was going to get out of here, which was until I heard the footsteps again followed by the shouts of angry people. 


            I ran, quicker than I knew I ever could, until the halls went silent once again. I jumped when someone started shouting saying, “Who was in charge of the prisoner? Who let her escape?”


            “MJ and AJ, sir,” said a voice I didn’t recognize


            “It wasn’t me, Sir! I was yelling at AJ for helping and being nice to her! I was just following direct orders,” MJ said. 


            I followed the noise of the voices, and whoever it was in charge, went down the line to find, I’m guessing, AJ.  I popped my head around the corner to find someone beating up AJ as everyone around just stood there watching like this was a normal thing to happen, I started to walk out around the corner to stop it, but then I remembered I needed to get out of here. 


            I started to run again, trying to get into every door, but they were all locked.  I could tell that the hallways were slowly coming to an end because they didn’t split into two or three different hallways, but now, there was just one hallway that twisted around in different directions occasionally. 


            Suddenly, there was a noise, I had no idea what it was, but it almost sounded like a cell phone vibrating over and over again. I looked up, and dust was coming down from the ceiling right above me. I looked away for a split second, only to be crushed by something that was really heavy and hard.  I slowly rolled on my side and blinked a few times to clear my vision.  Then, that was when I realized, it was him.  I tried to blink a few times to clear my vision, but I couldn’t. I was suddenly very sleepy. Jake was picking me up off of the ground, and that’s the last thing I remember before everything went black once again. 


            I slowly started to wake up again, but my only thought that I was still in that room with only blue walls, but then I realized I was being carried.  I drew in a deep breath of air as I cleared my eyes and realization hit me like a falling brick wall. 


            “Jake?”  I said confused. 


            “Shhh, we can’t let them hear us Princess!”  Jake stated.


            “I can walk, put me down,” I said.


            “No can do ma’am,”  Jake said.


            I tried to push myself out of his arms, but he only tightened his grip, that was until we rounded the corner and he put me down.  I was standing just fine until we had to move again, I tried to walk, but I couldn’t, I was too weak.  I could feel myself falling, but Jake caught me.  He picked me back up and we went round another corner, only to be met by AJ.  I instantly got scared, Jake looked at me and said


            “Don’t worry, Princess,”  Jake said. 


            “Let’s go Jake, we have to get out the princess of here!” AJ said.
            “Wait? What?!” I said confused


            AJ took off his mask only to reveal none other than my body guard,


            “How did I not recognize you? Why am I here? What do they want with me?”


            “They want the same thing every other person wants when the kidnap you Princess,” AJ said.


We began running down the hallway.  Only to be met with a bunch of armed guards, Jake put me on the ground and began to fight his way through.  As I was standing there someone swung at me, I ducted their blow only to be met by another person’s fist.  I didn’t even try to fight sleeping anymore, I’ve been hit one too many times.  I blinked a few times, only to see Jake get punched straight in the stomach.  And that’s when it all went black…

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